Chapter 5

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"It's a shooting star!" Reiji pointed out while clapping his hands together, praying to the bright light. This caused the other three to look at where Reiji was yelling towards to. When they found it, they also clapped their hands together.

Reiji closed his eyes and made one wish.

'I wish that Ai will always be happy with whom he believes he loves romantically.'

Reiji opens his eyes as he sees the straight light where the shooting star was fading away. The other three opened their eyes a few seconds after Reiji and smiled at the line.

"Let's go back now," Ranmaru said while breaking the silence as he stands up and walks away from the scene. The others follow behind him.

"Wait, so are we riding separately or together?" Ai asked to them.

"Together. It's too much of a hassle to have two of them so I called one of them and sent that one back home," Camus replied to Ai.

Reiji smiles widely since he doesn't have to talk to Ai about why he was jealous. He cheers internally but then gets interrupted by a hand on his shoulder once again. It was Ai this time.

"Don't think you're going to be able to escape from me," Ai whispered in his ear which caused him to shake in fear. Ai smirks at his response which was very unusual of him.

Eventually, they all got inside the limousine and the car moves towards home. Dead silence filled the car. There wasn't anything to say towards one another. Reiji would say something, but his teammates would tell him to be quiet like they usually do, so he didn't say anything.

Once they arrive, they all got out and walked away from the car. Starish and Haruka greeted them by the gates and asked where they went, but got ignored.

Reiji walks as fast as he can towards his room, but Ai stops him once again. Reiji starts to sweat, not wanting this conversation.

"Let's talk," Ai said as he grabbed Reiji's hand and starts dragging him.

Reiji tries to make him let go, but it's no use. This caused the grip to become harder, causing Reiji to wince at the pain on his wrists.

Ai brings Reiji to a room that had lots of lavender on one side of the room and  yellow along with pink on the other half. Reiji realizes that this is Ai's room, which is also Natsuki's and Syo's.

Ai throws Reiji onto his bed, and Reiji quickly gets up and leaves. Ai chases him down the hall to once again grab him, but Reiji managed to get to his room and lock the door before Ai can get in.

Ai pounds on the door loudly while Reiji curls up into a ball on his bed while trembling in fear of the noise.

After ten minutes of pounding, it stopped. Reiji looks from the sheet of blankets onto the door, waiting for more pounding to come.

There was a sigh at the door. It was Ai's sigh, to be specific.

"Listen, you know that I can pick lock this door and get it open, but I don't want to. I'm somewhat done with this now, even though my curiosity still remains. If you don't want to tell me it, just tell me and I'll go away. I promise I won't bother you with this anymore," he told him.

Reiji sat there for a few seconds, thinking and thinking.

"Well?" Ai asked impatiently.

"Please go away away," Reiji quickly replied. He heard some footsteps walking away from the door which are going someplace else. Reiji began to uncurl himself as he continues to stare at the door.

After a couple of minutes, Reiji gets up and gets ready for tomorrow by choosing his outfit, double checking his schedule, and making sure he has everything in his bag.

When he finishes, he checks the clock. It was almost eleven o' clock at night, which is past the time Reiji is supposed to be sleeping. The other two, Otoya and Tokiya, are sleeping soundly on their beds.

Reiji turns off the small light illuminating the room, causing everything to be dark. He then goes onto the balcony of the room to go view the bright stars outside to recall the memories of the festival. Most of the time, he would think about the incident in the car, and he tries to ignore it, but couldn't. It just won't leave his mind.

Eventually, he goes back to his room and goes to sleep on his bed, waiting for tomorrow to arrive.

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