Chapter 13

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Fenris could not take his eyes from the image of Danarius.

The years had not changed his former master much. He was a bit thinner, perhaps; his beard and hair a bit scragglier. But he would have known that profile, that cruel smirk, no matter how many decades had passed.

So you have come for me at last.

"We must not delay," Fenris said. His voice crackled with intensity. "Without his apprentice he will be weak, distracted. This may be our only chance."

Mei nodded. "I'll call Max."

It took Fenris a moment to realize what she was proposing. He opened his mouth to tell their new ally what a preposterous suggestion that was, but before he could speak, Hawke began nodding her head vigorously.

"Yes. Send the Templars for him. I don't like the brand, but if anyone deserves it, it's Danarius." She stared down at the photographs in Fenris's hands.

Fenris stared at her as if she'd lost her mind. "You wish him arrested by the Templars," he said flatly.

"I wish him devoured by hungry cats. Or lit on fire. Or dropped to the bottom of the ocean with something heavy tied around his feet," Hawke said, her features twisted in dislike. "But much as I hate to admit it, the Templars are trained to do exactly this sort of thing—capture blood mages."

"Danarius is mine ," Fenris growled. Blue light began to flare around the tattoos at the backs of his hands. "Mark my words, he is here for me. It is my task to deal with him. And not by sending him to the Circle's prisons."

"I find I must agree with the Detective." Zevran leaned forward and put his elbows on the table.

"Oh, there's a shock. The assassin votes for death," Anders cracked.

Zevran looked over at the healer, his expression coolly amused as he folded his hands and tapped his index fingers together. "Perhaps my former profession does bias me. But this man is quite dangerous, no? It seems to me that the permanent solution is the practical one."

"I suppose I am not surprised you wish to spare another mage." Fenris looked directly at Anders for the first time since they had entered the coffee shop, and he let the full force of his contempt show on his face.

The healer merely rolled his eyes. "Look, if this guy just dies or disappears, the Templars will never know he was involved, and they'll just keep cracking down on apostates. Like, say, the one to your right?" Anders said, glancing pointedly at Hawke.

That was an angle Fenris had not considered. He paused, suddenly torn.

"If they arrest him, maybe they'll be able to get to the bottom of whatever he's been doing," Anders continued. "Maybe they'll be able to find Marcus while they're at it."

All eyes at the table turned to Mei. Fenris supposed that was right; just as Danarius was his enemy, Mei Surana had the most important claim on Marcus Amell.

The elven mage grimaced uncomfortably. "I know what I said about wanting to handle Marcus myself. But going into a hotel after Danarius has a high risk of collateral damage. Civilians could be hurt. The Templars have the legal authority to evacuate the building and get management to let them into his room. Plus, like Hawke said, they're trained to deal with blood magic."

"Danarius is no mere blood mage." Fenris's mouth tightened with stress. How can I make them understand? "He is obsessed with lyrium. He studies it intensively and finds new ways to twist its power. You see before you one of the results of that obsession." He raised a hand and let the power in his veins flow; blue light lit the coffee shop for an instant before he extinguished it. "I can rip a heart from a man's chest thanks to Danarius's arts. He may have done worse than that in the time since I left."

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