"Sorry s-". The line discontinues."GOSH,HE EXPECTS ME TO MAKE HIM RICH?!? OH NO." "ARGHHHH!!!?!".Mr.Palacio sits untouched. (Worker) "SIR ARE YOU OKAY?"..... "No im a bit russled up but i think im o-".Something shoots through the window."ITS THE POLICE YOURE UNDER ARREST!" "No, dude you gotta hide me. ILL MAKE YOUR PAY HIGHER!" "Sorry sir,but i cant help a rich man. Just call your helicopter and "fly away". Your on your own." Mr.Palacio thinks deeply. "No. I dont wanna go to jail! I mean, at least bring me to a luxurious jail!He then hides in his escape room and jumps into the vents. (3 hours later..) "Gosh i've been in here for sooooooo long! Are they gone yet?!" The police suddenly burst in and investigate the place. ACHOOO! "Where 'd that come from?" "Oh no. I'm doomed." ( Hours later..) "IM SORRY,OKAY?!?!" "Say that to the judge sir." Fortunately, Mr.Palacio was arrested and the "Witch" never came back to Stadia.