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I don't even know what this story is about I just kind of started writing in the moment so enjoy this short, clip of a story? And maybe I'll even write a real story with it if you people want. Just vote, share, and most of all COMMENT or else I won't know :)



I sit in my cell and I wait and wait. I hate waiting because when they call me all they do is hurt me. They sweetly whisper my name. Always my name and I think if they didn't know my name if I wasn't my name then they would stop coming to me, stop hurting. So everyday I tell myself that that's not my name. I'm not me. And it'll all stop. They'll stop hurting me. I wanted so badly for them to stop hurting me I forgot my name.

But they still kept hurting me so I thought if I wasn't me they would stop hurting me. They wouldn't see me. They couldn't get to me. So I kept telling myself that I am not me. I eventually forgot who I was.

But they kept coming. And I was nothing. But they didn't care. They don't care if I was me or if my name was mine or not. So I stared to stop caring too. Just like them. If they don't care about me why should I care about them? Why should I care. So I stopped caring. Then I stopped feeling. Then I didn't care anymore. And they kept hurting me and hurting me until I did start to feel again.

I felt hate. I felt unbearable hate. I hate them for what they have done to me. What I allowed them to do to me. What I allowed myself to do. And it's all there fault so I'll hate them, and hate and hate. Until I could only hate.

I hated until I could hated no more than I hated more. And then I was forced to do something about it. To take action.

I wanted to be strong. I told myself if I'm strong enough I could stop it all. If I was stronger than them. If I was strong then then anyone could be they would stop. So I grew strong. And then I grew so strong that they couldn't handle me anymore. So strong that they couldn't hurt me. So strong that I could kill them. And I did.

I snapped every bone in their bodies. I gave them all horrible slow deaths. There bodies left so deranged that you couldn't even recognized them if you wanted to.

And now, all I am is strength, and hate, and nothing.

And that's all I'll ever be.

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