Mystery Guest

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Living right on the ocean has it's perks. The beautiful sunrise and sunset, the lulling sounds, not to mention the hot guys who run by my window each morning. But for the past few months I've unknowingly toned those things out.

I've been drowning in everything but the literal...water. And for quite some time I've contemplated the literal all the while keeping my life together by a string (that's figurative by the way... I think I'm funny from time to time)

This summer will be my last as a high school student and I can't seem to enjoy it. I stay locked away in my room looking out my window but don't seem to see anything or hear anything. It's as if I'm in a catatonic state but not as bad. Yet I'm only like this in my room. As soon as I set foot outside my little cave I bottle everything inside and slap on a smile, pretending everything is peachy. Not even my friends know, if I told them they probably wouldn't believe me.

You wouldn't know it from reading this but others know me as the bubbly, outgoing, and the constantly smiling Anna Beth!! Yeah... that's how I am describe in the yearbook at least. It's as if I'm two completely different people but no one knows the real me. No one has tried to get to know me...

Or it might be because I don't want them to.......


Because I'm scared to get hurt again.


"Anna Beth, come down here please"



"....Oh...sorry mom I'm coming" without thinking I gathered myself and headed out to play the part of the bubbly Anna Beth.

Mom was frantically cleaning the kitchen which she rarely does. Frantically I mean, she normally just does everything with such ease and grace, even cleaning.

I had to clear my throat to get her attention, she was in the zone.

"Ahh Anna, help your mother and clean the living room"

Nervous about how messy it would be I slowly turned around to find it surprisingly spotless.

"You already cleaned it mom" I said pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

"And I had already cleaned that glass too" she huffed.

"Why all the frustration and hostility?" Which I could only mumble out with a mouth full of cereal.

"Old friends of mine are coming in town on vacation and I offered for them to stay. They have a son who's bringing friends so maybe..." she stopped mid cleaning and raised her eyebrows.

She's been trying to get me to go out with boys and have some fun. Not go wild or anything but she was a teen mom and for some reason she has it twisted in her mind that I should be out having the same drunkin fun she had. You'd think a mother wouldn't want her child out doing that but nope. I think I got a defective one... my moms a bit broken in the maternal instinct field.

Other than having nonexistent boy troubles, I have everything else going for me. I mean besides my whole life's an act and I'm really depressed thing but other than that... eh.

"Anna! No wonder there are so many dishes to be cleaned. You use them like they were going out of style."

"What else am I supposed to use to eat off of? my hands?" I was a walking balancing act. With my cereal in one hand, plate of bacon in the other, orange juice glass between my teeth, and strawberries in the crook of my arm. I should really be a waitress.

"You're something else"

As she said that I could feel her practically rolling her eyes into the back of her scull. She left the room before I had the chance to ask her when the mystery guests would arrive but it wouldn't be for a while right?

Only half way through my morning dose of spongebob and breakfast the knock at the door startled me. Before I could gather my thoughts and realize I was still in my big t-shirt with holes in it (the most disgusting thing I own). Mom was already at the door. I had no time to run back upstairs.

"What do I do?" I let my question out in a whisper. Frantically, I snatched a blanket and wrapped it around myself. For gods sake, I was only in a big t-shirt and underwear. And my mother didn't even think to warn me, thanks mom.

"Anna Beth, don't be rude and come say hi!"

Oh crap.

I only had one option. Which was to fake like I was sleeping.


The rest of her words trailed off but I could hear them coming closer. With my eyes closed I actually started to get sleepy.

As they approached the living room, I could hear a man and a woman and two, maybe three other whispering voices.

"Now this way is the master bed room..." she trailed off again and now was my chance.

I opened one eye to make sure the cost was clear then jumped up. I started to book it too my room and when I turned the corner of the kitchen I nearly had a heart attack. I stopped to control myself and my breathing. Looking down at the floor I noticed this guy had really nice legs. I slowly trailed my way up his body, taking everything in.

"Well helllllooooo" I said not even realizing how weird that sounded.

"Hey, I'm Mason" he chuckled and put out his hand.

Obviously I shook it and man does he have a nice, firm handshake. I started to move past him, trying not to let him see my cheeks turn red. Which always happens when I'm around cute boys.

"Wait, what's your name?" He said brushing our shoulders together, not letting me pass.

We held our stare for the longest time before I said anything. His blue eyes were just so captivating. Blue eyes and shaggy dirty blonde hair... There was no denying that he was very attractive.

"It's Anna Beth" and as soon as I said my name his smile sent the redness in my cheeks a blazin. I couldn't carry on more of a conversation, I had to get dressed. So I just pushed past him and ran upstairs. When I got to the top of the stairs I looked down and he was still looking at me, his blue eyes crystal clear and a smile that could brighten anyone's day. He let out a chuckle before walking off into the rest of the house.

While getting dressed, my heart beat was still racing, I looked out the window, watching the waves crash on the shore over and over again. I slowly started to think about how much I wanted to leave all this behind and just walk right out into the water and keep walking and never come back.

Harsh I know but it's how I feel. Some days are better than others but I always have my moments. But looking out into the water this time was different. It reminded me of... what was his name? Jesse! Yeah, it reminds me of Jesse's eyes, deep and blue and soul touching.

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