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January 13, 2018 - 9:23am

Ah Rin: Hey. What up? No practice?

Izumi: No practice. You?

Ah Rin: Why don't you just get back to Taehyung, huh?

Izumi is typing...

Ah Rin: Don't even try to lie to me, Izumi.

Izumi: I don't even know why I am doing this to the both of us.

Izumi: I don't know why I want him to be happy without me his life.

Ah Rin: So that's why you keep pushing him away.

Izumi: It feels like I have been a burden to him when we were still together.

Ah Rin: Why would you be a burden huh?

Ah Rin: Come on. Tell me. Did he said that?

Izumi: No.

Izumi: Aish. I really don't know what to do.

Ah Rin: Pabo.

Ah Rin: You weren't a burden, Izumi.

Ah Rin: Infact, I think I was the one who were a burden to you. Even now. I'm making you down.

Izumi: What?

Ah Rin: And if you were a burden I wouldn't leave you just like that.

Ah Rin: Like I said, you are my life Izumi even though you don't deserve someone like me.

Ah Rin: :)

Izumi: Taehyung....

-Seen 9:34am-


Kim Taehyung changed his profile picture.

just now

I like me better when I'm with you. (:

Yoon Ah Rin, Jeon Jungkook and 49 others like this

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Yoon Ah Rin, Jeon Jungkook and 49 others like this.


Jeon Jungkook: Where's the credits, hyung? :P

           Kim Taehyung: Don't wanna. :P

Yoon Ah Rin: *coughs* Kim Izumi *coughs*

           Kim Taehyung: Yah Jeon Jungkook ! Get your girl.

           Jeon Jungkook: Don't wanna. :P

           Jeon Jungkook: HAHAHA.

Kim Izumi: I like me too when I'm with you. (:

           Yoon Ah Rin: Woah!

           Jeon Jungkook: Woah!

           Yoon Ah Rin: THEY'RE BACK OMG.

           Kim Izumi: No were not. (:

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