Could It Be ?

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Chapter 6

*Seth's P.O.V.*

I called Dean to schedule a Shield lunch. The three of us planned to meet up at Tony's in our current city, St. Louis.

"Where is he !? We just planned this !" I said as we sat in front of the restaurant waiting. "I'm sure he'll show up, you know he's late for everything." Roman told me. "I know, but I'm starving ! My stomach is touching my back !" I assured him.

Roman laughed and put his arm around me. "These glasses make you look like a mini gangster nerd." he said. "Really ? I was going for ninja, but I didn't have the mask." I said jokingly. We laughed and got closer. From the distance we saw Dean and we quickly got up, acting as if we weren't cuddling.

"You guys don't have to quit having sex everytime you see me !" he said jokingly. "Naww, we're saving that for later tonight." Roman said, hugging me from behind. "Sounds like fun. So let's eat." was his reply, and we were shocked. "He just said our sex sounds like fun. Roman who is that !?" I asked in a state of panic. "The seed of Chucky, that's who. Keep an eye on him." he whispered as we walked in.

We ordered our food and Dean cracked jokes about the people that came in. Our food came, and we decided to talk about the work we did before WWE.

"I Remember most horrible match I ever had. I hit a German suplex to a guy into barbed wire." Dean said. "We had to wait for officials to cut us free."

"I'm still not understanding how you survived." I said. "I'm not sure. I'm just that damn good." he answered.

As he took a bite of his appetizer, I felt something on my shoe, not just any something, but it was Dean. I didn't want to make a scene, so I just moved my foot. But Dean started messing with my other foot !

"Don't forget, we have that new Avengers movie to see today." I reminded Roman as I put his arm around me in attempt to remind Dean his two bestfriends are gay. Maybe then he'll stop playing footsies with me I thought.

"Haha ! You're such a fucking nerd !" Roman said. "Yeah, but I'm your nerd." I shot back. "Sexy nerd." Dean whispered as he drunk his coffee. "What Dean ?" I asked. "Stupid nerd !" he fired back. "This lunch is over. I got a girl coming over tonight. Plus, I can feel the gayness rubbing off on me." he said as he got up and left.

"Roman, do you think Dean might be gay ? Or bi ? Or maybe curious ?" I asked. "There's no way ! Remember how he basically hated us when he found out about us ?" he answered. "Yeah, but that was a month ago. He might have changed his mind or something ?"

This lunch stayed on my mind for hours. I thought about Dean and how much I use to like him. I just had to find out for myself if my thoughts were right or not. I walked to Deans hotel room later that night.

"Who needs you !? You're just a cheap whore !" I heard as I came to his door. "You told me you were a personal trainer ! I paid you ! " yelled a girl leaving his place. I quickly stopped the door from slamming and walked in.

"Dean ?" I said. "Who the .... oh, Seth. Come on in, even though you already let yourself in." he said with an annoyed tone, wrapped up in the covers. "What's going on ? Why was that girl just yelling ?" I asked. "Don't worry about her. Come sit next to me." he said, patting on his bed.

"So what's up ?" he asked, falling all over me."I'm glad you're here. I need somebody. I need you." he said falling out the bed. I picked him up and laid him on the bed.

He grabbed my hair and pulled me down beside him. He wrapped his arms around me and supposedly fell asleep after giving me a small light kiss on the cheek. I then knew his secret. I jumped on the inside with excitement.

Trapped in his muscular grip, I slowly put my arms around him for more proof. He popped up and snatched the covers back. "Dude, what the hell are you doing !? Are you crazy !?" he yelled.

"What are you doing !" I yelled back. "What are you talking about !? I didn't do anything !" he said. "Yes you did ! You were playing footsies with me at lunch today at lunch. You called me a sexy nerd, just now you kissed me and started cuddling me while you were naked !" I told him.

"No. No ! I'm not gay ! Why did you even come here !? GET OUT YOU FAG !" he yelled at me. I sighed and left quietly and went over Roman's.

To Be Continued ....

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