Iron Adventures In The Seven Seas 15

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A monster has shown up who seems to have a history with the pirate avengers, while the super iron avengers battle the sea monster.

"Stallion warrior mode, activate!" The stallion zord transformed into the stallion Megazord. "Stallion megazord, ready!" "Iron super drive saber, activate!" The super drive saber beamed into allies hands. "Iron super drive, activate!" Their armor bulked up. "Battle mode, engage!" "Alright everyone, let's take this thing down!" The stallion megazord attacked.

On the ground, ludo was laughing hysterically. "If you think, that you have enough power to destroy me, then you are dead wrong, just like the imperial outpost was." He continued laughing, while the pirate avenger drew their weapons and attacked. "Don't underestimate what 18 former battle hardened imperial soldiers can do together!" The battle continued, ludo holding his own well against the pirate avengers.

Inside the temple, spacey and timey had reached the center of the largest room, where the continuum key floated, waiting. "Lets wake up continuity and get out of here." Both of them sent tiny amounts of electricity at the key, powering it up, and the continuum key transformed. "Ahhhh, do you guys have to do that?" "It's the only way to wake you up, nice to see you again." "With all three of us awake I can only assume that someone needs the time vortex?" "Yep, they're currently defending the temple as we speak." "Then let's get out of here."

Back on the surface, the pirate avengers couldn't get the upper hand they needed. "Ha ha ha, give it up pirate lamoes, even 18 fully fledged pirates can't defeat me!" He blast the pirate avengers with his double flintlock pistols and the Pirate avengers were blasted off their feet.

In the air, the sea monster was just about toast. "Iron super drive saber, power up!" The saber powered up." "Iron super drive, stallion whirlwind finish!" The whirlwind attack completely annihilated the sea monster. "We did it." "The battle is not over yet, let us assist our pirate friends." The team jumped out of the stallion megazord, leaving it as it was so it can be ready for ludo's mega form. Back on the ground, the pirate avengers were at their breaking point. "Ugh, he's still too strong." "Ha ha ha, any last words you pirate pests?" All of a sudden, at the last Second, ludo was blasted by several laser blasts. "Not today bug breath!" The super iron avengers entered the scene and helped the pirate avengers to their feet. "Thanks mateys, guess we underestimated his power." "Hey, it happens to the best of us, now, how do you want to finish this guy?" "Any recommendations?" "The iron super cannon probably has enough juice, wanna do the honors?" "Aye matey." "Alright, iron super cannon, activate!" The iron super cannon beamed onto the scene. "Alright, here you go Bluebeard." "Thanks mateys, pirate avengers, lets blast this frown clown." The pirate avengers took up positions. Ludo just laughed. "A single shot isn't enough to stop me!" "Oh yeah? Iron super cannon, fire!" They fired the cannon and Ludo exploded. "At last, out foe has fallen." But a few seconds later, Ludo grew to mega level. "Raah, round two you super dorks!"

The fight has grown to mega level, again, and Timey and spacey have awakened continuity, the final key to the time vortex, what will happen now? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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