Chapter 1 - The Mirrors of Love

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(Valkyrie POV)

You know what sucks, love its the only thing I truly hate I mean sure it's beautiful and every single girl wants maybe not but some or handful of them I mean I dreamt of it since I was little but now I'm sitting here with coffee and in Starbucks stalking hotties by a mile away I mean come on who doesn't. But the thing is I would kill myself if I started a love journey right here right now... "H-Hey you" hmm? "I saw you staring at that guy can you please lay off?" said the woman. I questioned her but she quickly grabbed a seat to the guy I was stalking, but she totally flirted with him and what the looks of it he doesn't quite like it. He then quickly grabbed his things and leave while the woman priested on talking to him, man she doesn't know when to get a hint. I quickly grab my coffee and leave while the two started to argue I went to my car but I began to notice it wasn't there I quickly looked to the other streets but still no where to found. I called my best friend Jerry and he picked me up. "So what are you going to do?" asked Jerry I replied with "I don't know, have you been in a situation like this?" he replied "Nope not at all but here if you lost your car why not ask my grandma she has been in a situation like this." said Jerry I replied with, "Your grandma?" he replied, "Yeah? why not I mean she has been into any situation since she was a rebel since then and come on even thow her house looks creepy that doesn't mean she's creepy" said Jerry. Now that I have thought of it she doesn't act or do suspicious things she's actually is nice since I did meet her but not inside of her house, I replied with, "Fine I'll ask her but not near her house kay?" Jerry replied, " Good, I'll contact her and I will say along with I want to meet you." said Jerry I replied with, "Okay then, good."


(The next morning)

(Valkyrie POV)

I started to jog in the morning as I went to Jerry's place I always been to his house and it always changes so I'm pretty excited to that point and excited that I'll get my car back if I talk to his grandma or some sort. I arrived there and the first thing I noticed that is that house was all clean and organized it was so neat that I was gawking overtime Jerry invited me in as the inside was more cool in I was finished gawking again and I waited as Jerry said, "Oh shoot I forgot that I had to pick up my grandma, be right back okay?" said Jerry I replied as an okay and I waited but something caught me off guard as glimmer was in the basement... I was drawn to it as I went down without my consciousness  and proceeded to go down as I reached to basement there was a mirror glimmering at ease to me. I touched it without will as my head said no but my body said yes, I began to go into it as I was magically teleported to more mirrors, four to specific. Then a voice emerges into the land that I stand saying the lines of, "Oh Valkyrie please walk to one of the mirrors, it will benefit you." said the voice. I snapped into my consciousness  as I replied with, "What the hell did you do to me?" the voice replied, "Just please get into one of the mirrors and you'll find out!" said the voice I repeated what I said as someone pushed me into one of the mirrors as I fall into a world and a glimpse of a castle.

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