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Your shoulders are too broad.

Your lips are too plump.Stop acting like a girl, pussy. These were all things Seokjin had heard from him during high school. Who is this him we speak about? Why, that would be Kim Namjoon, one of the most horrible and beautiful men in the world.

It was sad, that with how much Namjoon had some to Seokjin, he still fell for him.

Just kidding. Seokjin hated Namjoon with a passion. It got so bad Seokjin moved schools in the middle of senior year.

And if you thought Seokjin let Namjoons comments discourage him, you're wrong. This actually built his love for himself, almost too much. Of course, he didn't see this as much of a problem, as it led him to a job he loved.

Make that two jobs. The two jobs he loved. Hosting a cooking show and being a model. It was perfect.

Almost too perfect.

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