Chapter 12

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Jeff's POV

I return back to the mansion with Ben, reluctantly letting go of his hand before opening the front door and holding it open for him. I close the door behind us and walk up the steps to my room once we greeted Toby, Masky, and Hoodie in the living room.

Once my bedroom door was shut I pressed Ben up against it, connecting our lips yet again. He didn't hesitate to kiss back, since he wanted this as much as I did.

I eventually pick Ben up and pin him down to my bed, feeling his arms wrap around my neck to pull me closer to deepen the kiss.

I heard him moan underneath me, which of course went straight to my pants. But I knew I have to control myself, since it's too early on in the relationship to do anything serious like that. We're also in a house full of people, not to mention.

Eventually Ben pulled away, panting slightly from the lack of oxygen either of us had.

"As much as I love making out with you, Jeff. I'm tired." Ben smiled, I nod and get off of him.

Ben swung his legs over the edge of the bed, pecking my lips before heading to the door. He threw me a grin before leaving, closing the door behind him.

I flop back onto my bed, feeling my cheeks heat up and my stomach tie into knots. What was this boy doing to me? I sigh and got into my nightclothes, pulling my sleeping mask over my face before getting underneath the covers and getting comfortable.

I thought about Ben all the way to unconsciousness.


I woke up to Ben jumping on me. I felt the wind get knocked out of me.

"Time to wake up!" Ben said, getting off and throwing the blankets off me.

"It's too early for this..." I groan once I caught my breath, sitting up and taking the sleeping mask off.

"Come on, I want to make breakfast." Ben pulled me up by my arm and dragged me downstairs into the kitchen.

"Well what do you wanna make?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, looking through the fridge.

"Anything." Ben shrugged, I pulled out eggs and some microwave bacon.

"This should do," I said, turning the stove on. As I waited for it to heat up I pulled Ben over, pecking him on the lips as a good morning kiss.

"That was too short for my liking." Ben pouted. I laughed before kissing him again after checking to make sure no ones around, keeping my lips there longer than the first time.

Once our little kissy kissy session was over, the stove was hot enough. I spray the pan down with butter and get to work, plating the scrambled eggs and microwaving the bacon.

Ben and I just ate standing in the kitchen, since we didn't want to bother with sitting at the large table.

We only had one table, which fit everyone that lives with us, we only ate there for "family" dinners.

We washed our plates once we were done, it was an unspoken rule in the mansion to wash your dishes or else you'll get an earful from Slenderman.

We sat down on the couch to pass time, me just watching Ben play video games. No one was out of their rooms yet, which was common and unsurprising because it was still early.

I eventually got tired of the silence, pulling Ben in my lap, making him face me.

"Jeff?" Ben blushed, setting the controller down.

"I'm bored, I miss your lips." I smirk, moving my hands to hold his face. I pull him into me, kissing his lips again.

I felt him kiss back almost immediately, he wrapped his arms around my neck to pull me closer. I swipe my tongue across his bottom lip, asking for permission.

He denied me, so I reached down and squeezed his ass. Ben gasped, allowing me to slip my tongue through his lips.

Our tongues fought for dominance, me coming out the winner. I smirked into the kiss, pulling Ben as close as I could with one arm.

"I-I knew there was s-something going on between you t-two!" Our make out session was interrupted when an excited looking Toby burst in, bouncing around.

There was a couple other creepy pastas with him, one of which was smirking.

"Who knew the two rivals themselves would get together." Laughing Jack pat me on the back, more like smacking.

Word spread quickly over the past couple hours, and everyone was fine with it, even Slendy. Well, almost everyone.

"Jeff!" A growl was heard from the front door of the mansion, an obviously furious entity there.


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