8. Kise Ryouta - Birthday Present

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Kise's actually the one I like the most out of all the characters of KuroBasu. I was supposed to make a fanart for his birthday but, well, art block happens. So, yeah. I settled for a short fanfiction. It's probably the shortest one shot I've ever written (if you won't count the 100-word drabble I made for a group).

Everything is written in present tense because I wrote everything today--- /shot. Okay, okay. I just wanted to try. XD

Though I've written a Kise fic today, he's still included in the next round of Kiseki no Sedai one-shots after those non-GoM ones. XD (That's how much I love him! Haha! XD)

“It’s Ryouta’s birthday!” you blurt out the moment you remembered. You couldn’t believe it! You actually forgot it’s his birthday tomorrow. You bang your head against your desk table, not knowing what to do. It’s already ten in the evening – meaning no store would be open for you to buy his present. You rest your chin on the palm of your hand, your eyebrows furrowing each moment that pass by. You have no idea what to do for him. Your eyes roam the room, trying to search for an idea. Your gaze lands on your sketchpad and the colored pencils resting on top of it.

You let out a frustrated sigh, finding no other idea but that. You’re not exactly a great artist; you could just say that your works are decent-looking. Well, kind of, in your eyes anyway. You take the materials and place them on top of your room’s table. You take a deep breath before flipping the pages and finding an empty page. There, you start sketching him out of memory. You fully remember each of his beautiful features – his cheerful smile, his glistening topaz orbs, his silky golden strands of hair, his tall stature, and his well-built body fit for a model. A smile unconsciously makes its way to your face as your right hand seems to move on its own on the paper. You start coloring it with your pencils, giving the drawing more life. Before you realize it, you finished your rendition of him.

You stare at the drawing a felt yourself smile. It looks decent. Plus, you placed a lot of effort on it. It’s only this time that your eyelids start to feel heavy and the sleepiness starts to take over your body. You check the time and it is already one in the morning. You place the sketch in somewhere safe and call it a night.


“Kise-kun~! Happy Birthday! Here’s your present!” three fangirls say at the same time. The famous blonde stands up with a charming and grateful smile, thanking the girls. He opens the expensive-looking gift due to the girls’ demands and places it to the pile beside his bag.

You sigh helplessly at the scene unfolding in front of you. You never found the chance today to greet him and give him his present despite being a close friend. There was always someone talking to him whenever you think of trying. At the end of the day, he didn’t get your present.

You stare at the folder which protects the drawing from crumpling or folding. Comparing your birthday present to the others’, theirs’ are obviously better and seem to be given a lot of thought. After a final second of hesitation, you decide not to give it to him after all.

You take your bag from the table and sling it over your shoulder. You pass by another set of fangirls making their way to your beloved Kise as you walk towards the hallway and out of the classroom. It only makes you feel miserable every time you hear someone else greet him while you always wait for the perfect chance that never came. You trudge down the stairs, avoiding any physical contact from the other students.

Before you could even leave the school premises, you hear your name be called in an absolutely familiar voice. Suddenly, your hand is grasped by another larger one as you are towed away by the hand’s owner. Yes, the guy running ahead of you and pulling you to his destination is the one who has been getting presents all day long.

The two of you stop inside a café, a scarf already hiding a part of his face. He leads you somewhere far from most the people are and makes you sit in one of the tables.

He took deep breaths then grinned at you – only you. You swear your heart could melt this very instant. “Why didn’t you even talk to me today?” he asks, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips pouting. “It’s my birthday!”

 “It is?” you respond with another question, feigning innocence.

His pout grew deeper. “You… you didn’t know?” He stares into your eyes, disappointment and dejection showing from face. As you shared gazes with him, you couldn’t help but feel some kind of ache in your chest from his disheartened expression. All you want to do is to take it away.

“I’m kidding, silly!” You force a laugh. “I knew it since yesterday!”

His gloomy expression evaporated as it is replaced by relief and turned into a smile. “Where’s my present then?”

Then comes another round of a mental tug-o-war. If you tell him you don’t have one, he’d most probably get depressed. If you give him your handmade present, you’ll live with the shame of him not liking your present. Knowing that Ryouta is not a materialistic type of guy, you take out the folder holding the drawing, put it on the table, and slowly push it towards him. It’s the thought that counts, anyway. When he realizes that it’s the present, he takes it and opens the folder. You look away, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

“Uwaaah~! ________cchi! I love it! I’ll treasure this forever!” he exclaims, a pretty wide grin emerging on his face.

You look at him, somehow grateful that he likes it. “Really? It isn’t really much…”

He scratches the back of his head, raising an eyebrow as he examines the drawing. “Maybe itsn’t, then…”

Take back the fact that he’s not materialistic. You are plunged into a sea of rejection and disappointment upon hearing his statement.

“Let’s say, something’s missing. Or something’s needed to make your present complete. Of course, I'll treasure it just like this drawing!” he remarks like a know-it-all.

You look at him with wide curious eyes. “What is it?” you ask. You are ready to redo the whole thing all over again.

He smirks oh-so-handsomely, closing the folder and resting his chin against the palm of his hand. “You.” He winks at you.

Fireworks explode in your chest but you know better of it. Sure, you always had this big crush on him ever since you could remember, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't know the difference of a bluff and the truth. You flick him playfully on his forehead, arching one of your eyebrows. "Seriously, Ryouta?"

His face indicates him at a complete loss of words. He slams his hands against the table with a troubled look on his face. "How harsh! I said something cheesy and awesome right there!"

"Use that pick-up line with someone else, idiot!" You fake a laugh even if you don't really like the idea.

He sighs.

"Anyway, why did you take me here? Shouldn't you do it with your girlfriend or something?" you ask.

"I'm doing that right now!" He grins childishly at you. "It'll mean the world for me if I you'd spend the day with me and be mine right now."

You gape at him, your heart rate accelerating. He actually looks sincere despite that smile on his face. Your heart and mind are in complete struggle with each other to get you to decide on what to reply or what to do. He waves his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your confusion. "Wait, are you... confessing?"

His cheeks reddens upon hearing the last word. He forces a laugh. "Leave it to _______cchi to ruin my awesome statements," he mutters. He then looks at you, sighs, and takes your hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "I am~ I like you, ______cchi! Please be mine! Be the best birthday present ever!"

You smile. You couldn't think of a better answer.

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