Chapter 1- On the cobbles

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Tuesday, the day after Carla went off the wagon the worst. She must be feeling awful waking up & knowing she brought Peter to her flat & kissed him, let alone making a total fool out of herself by closing the factory, go shopping with Eva & insulting her employees in front of the whole Pub. I'll call round to her in a bit to see that she's alright since she's not going to work anytime soon.

"Rob hurry up! Amy has to be brought to school! It's usually me having to call her, not you!" shouts Tracy from downstairs.

Why can't you take her?

I have a meeting for new products for our shop dear!

Yeah, I bet your just going to buy it off Tony!

Rob we went through this, Tony is a reliable guy, we can trust on him and his ..


Rob what has gotten into you? How could you do this in front of Amy! C'mon Amy I'll take you to school calls Deirdre, she's like a shopping bag, always lying around & ready to carry stuff!

After that, I still haven't spoken to Tracy. I do feel I was very harsh saying those words in front of Amy but I'm sick of Tracy constantly not listening to what I have to say & my point of view! She's constantly only thinking about what she wants like she always does! We haven't been getting along since Tina died, constantly pestering at me Carla did it my brother is innocent & me constantly telling her it was Peter who didn't want anyone to know, it was him who had the affair! God if she knew who it really was.

I called around to Carla but she wasn't answering. I don't blame her! She must be sick of being pestered by the police & in total embarrassment after yesterday. "Carla, are you in there?!" Give us a minute, ok come up! She is in such a state after last night. You could see the misery & pain in her eyes. Fucking bastard Peter has done this!

"I still can't believe what I've done last night!" repeats Carla over again. "How can I face them all ever again?" "It's a nightmare Rob except there's no ending, I'll never wake up! I'll never be free!" she's crying hysterically at this point. What am I going to do? I hope nobody will ever work out it was me who killed Tina! I can't go down for killing her! Carla needs me now more than ever! I'm the only person she's got apart from Michelle who's heartbroken for Carla going through so much pain.

I'm thinking of telling the police, no not that I've killed Tina, but that they should give Carla a rest & she really needs time to get her head around things! It's Tina's funeral this week! This is the last thing Carla needs, people talking about her & peter & oh Carla did it she was on the balcony & all that shit, well they will be getting a punch if they do!

Rob Donovan: A killer walking the cobblesWhere stories live. Discover now