Chapter Four- Predictable

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**mild sexual references in this chapter**


"Wow, kitten, that is one hell of a cake!" Ryder says, coming through the front door of our bakery with Charlie in front of him.

I smile and blush like it's the first time he's ever complimented me. Ryder has been my biggest fan when it comes to making cakes. He hired me at the bakery he ran for his parents more than seven years ago, before we even started dating. Even though I didn't have a clue then, this turned out to be one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in my life.

"You really think so? I was just thinking that maybe I added too many flowers on top."

Charlie walks over to the counter and watches me as I put on the finishing touches. "You can never have too many flowers, mom. Especially when it's for a wedding. Hey! Are you going to make CJ and Piti's cake too?!"

"Of course I will. Even though I know it'll be the most heinous shades of pink, smothered in glitter."

Ryder chuckles and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me away from the cake. He rests his hands on my hips and presses his forehead to mine. "I think you can call it a day now. You've been at it for hours."

"I know and I'm sorry. I just wanted this cake to be perfect."

"Everything you do is perfect," he whispers.

"Seriously, dad. Could you be any more gross?" Charlie asks, wrinkling her nose up in disgust.

"I think I can, what do you think? Should I kiss her now?" he asks, giving her a wink.

"Ewww," she groans.

I stoop down to grab my bag off the floor and pull out my phone. "Piti is on her way." I stand up at look at Charlie who is eagerly eyeing the cake on the counter. "Charlie, I swear to God, if you touch that cake..."

She holds her hands up in surrender and backs away from it causing Ryder to snicker.

"Anyway, please behave for Aunt Piti. Don't talk her into letting you do anything you know you're not supposed to do."

She rolls her eyes. "Fine."

"And don't roll your eyes, Charlie..."

"Or they'll get stuck that way," she groans. She climbs up into a chair next to the window and sits or her knees, looking out for Piti.

"Are you sure Piti can handle her?" Ryder asks, wrapping his arms around me from behind as we watch her.

I chuckle, but it turns into more of a nervous laugh the more I think about it. Charlie is, and always has been, a handful. She's generally a good kid, but she's smart for her age and wise beyond her years. "She might rethink reproducing after a night with Charlotte Rhodes."

Ryder laughs. "They don't call her Problem Child for no reason."

I turn around and push him playfully. "Hey, she's not that bad. Besides, your mom says she's just like you."

"That's exactly what I'm saying, kitten," he smirks.

After Piti picks Charlie up, Ryder and I head out for our first date night, alone, in weeks. Neither of us are dressed up for a night on the town. Not that I'd know what that even meant these days. Every girl I see has on tons of make up, fake lashes, fake eyebrows and clothes that look too tight and uncomfortable. I, on the other hand, like to keep things simple and above all else, comfortable. I consider wearing jeans dressing up these days and lately, so does Ryder.

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