Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I quickly pushed open the Motel door, my nerves on its last string. If it wasn't for the boy up front thinking Brooke was hot, we may not have gotten her room number.

Immediately, Sam and I were greeted with a trashed room. Blood bags and broken furniture covered the Motel floor, leaving only the beds and a side table left standing.

My eyes ran around the room worriedly, before landing on the brown haired girl. Her body was slumped against the wall behind her, her shaky hand aiming the gun right at Sam and I. But, at realization, she let out a sigh of relief and lowered the gun to the floor.

Seconds later, I found myself running over to her, her name running off my lips in worry, "Brooke!" My knees knelt by her as Sam stood behind me.

Blood scattered her neck and side while scratches seemed to cover her arms and some of her face. When my eyes caught sight of her left hand on her side, I didn't need to ask if she was hurt there.

Pulling out a hanky, I held it to her neck, watching as she hissed slightly in pain.

"What happened?" Sam asked? My head looked around in hopes I'd find Benny laid out somewhere. Something that would tell me this wasn't his doing, but when I couldn't find him, I already knew he was the cause of this.

"Benny, he lost control," Brooke said, grabbing my attention. Her voice sounded raw and faint, making me want nothing more than to just wrap her in my arms and hold her.

Pulling the hanky away from her neck, I realized it was still bleeding. This could get bad real quickly if we don't get this bleeding stopped.

"Cas," I whispered, seeming to say his name out loud. Sure enough, Cas appeared by my side, looking at the three of us like he had no idea what was going on.

Moving back from Brooke, I quickly gestured towards her as I looked at Cas, "Heal her." Cas looked at Brooke for a second before kneeling beside her, putting his two fingers on her forehead. She gasped as she jolted forward a bit, the scratches, wounds, and blood now gone.

Relief washed over me, a sigh slipping out as I looked at the ground. "Thank you," I heard Brooke said, pulling me back up to look at her. I figured she'd be looking at Cas, but instead I found Cas gone and her eyes right on me.

I pause, looking into her green and brown eyes, finding only thankfulness and slipping fear.

"Come on," I said, taking one of her hands while the other found her side. I helped her up and away from the broken table, realizing that the table was the cause for the, now gone, side wound.

My eyes looked to Sammy, "I'm gonna take her into the other room. Can you clean this up?" He quickly nodded, watching Brooke and I as we headed into the connected Motel room. I closed the door behind me, returning to look at Brooke to find her sitting on the end of the bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked, moving closer to her. She nodded, looking down at her hands before sighing, "I was just trying to help. He seemed fine, under control when I left. I came back with some blood bags and he was quiet most of the time. Then, I come out of the bathroom and I find him like..." Her voice trailed off.

To say I was angry with Benny was an understatement. Sam wanted me to kill Benny many times, but never have I joined him in that thought until now.

Brooke spoke up again, her eyes looking up at me, "How did you know where I was?"

"Tracked your phone," I said, the words coming out in a mumble. Brooke is a smart girl, clearly when she texted me she would know I'd track her phone in an instant.

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