Chapters 9: Training!

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Chapter 9: Training!

Now, I know my true power!

Is that really my name?

"No, I thought she is princess Eve?", Austin said from down there.

"Yea.. She did said her favourite words!", Arisa helped Austin.

"Maybe, that's you, maybe that's not you..? You are confusing, eh?", professor said.

"Why you guys think I'm that Eve? And who is she?", I asked.

"Eve is the Sky Marvell, the last..", Austin answered.

"Why the last? Can you explain the detail?", I went down.

Professor also went down. We sat on the same table and started to tell me about the history.

"It was 10 years ago, spring season, Sky castle was attacked by the March Army. March Army is an army that hates the new plan of Queen Everner. Her plan was hunting down the dark magic. She succeed but, her castle and family were killed. We heard that her daughter, princess Eve survived from that war. Princess Eve has the power of the true Sky slayer. But.. There is another issue that princess Eve is not the Sky slayer. So we don't know the truth.. And she know about everything because she got a special power like knowing the future or the past. You were lucky to get that power, Azure. I mean Ce.. Cely?", Austin explained everything.

"Just call me Azure", I smiled at him.

"There are two possibility!", professor suddenly said it.

"What is it, professor?", Arisa asked with her cute curious face.

"One, Eve was choosing Azure as a Sky Marvell..

Second, Eve only help to give the path of the truth and the sky slayer power..", professor look so serious now.


"Austin and Arisa, you two go back to Jyan and tell everyone that every slayer in that school will have a training from now on! I felt something weird with Sefarto this lately.. Instead of training, Azure will have a really hard training!", professor said. He always cut the conversation from someone!

"Training? With you? Pfftt..", I hold my laugh.

"Don't take it easy, Azure", Austin said.

"Professor is very strong!", Arisa continued.

"Ohhh...", I just said that because, I don't think an old bookworm can teach me how to fight.

*BRAAKKKKKKKK!!!*,"AKHH!!", I shouted because, I pushed back until I hit the front door.

"Not bad white head.. Haha..", I laughed again.

"Where you learn how to control the wind?", I asked professor.

"Those books from the 8th shelf until the 9th shelf.. Don't worry, there are only 176 books for you Azure.. But, I want you to read the whole library.. Isn't it nice?", he smiled at me.

"Thanks white headed professor.. I'll appreciate you a lot.. Haha.. Hahahaa..", I hate reading! I've gone crazy before I start.

"We'll go to Jyan and tell everyone, maybe we'll back at 7 p.m!", Arisa said.

"Arisa!", suddenly I called her name.

"Hmm??", she just said that.

"Tell the principal 'White marbel' and tell Ms. Emet and other teacher 'Ready' and don't say anything else. Thanks!", I said it out loud.

"What does it mean?", Austin also asked.

"I don't know! But, don't tell them that I also don't know!", I answered.

"Okay, bye!", Austin said and went out.

"Bye!", Arisa said with a beautiful smile and followed Austin.

"You know something, huh?", this time, professor asked.

"Maybe..", I said softly.

"Okay! Let's start the reading! I want you to read the whole library, ya!", professor said, he gave me a bit spirit.

"I will!", I showed my serious face now. I won't joking anymore. It's time to finish this!

"Good, on 4.30p.m we will train the physical!", He went to his kitchen and made a tea and gave me a glass of hot tea.

I tried learn the ancient sky magic. It was pretty hard but, also exciting!!

I read the book with a smile. Professor also smiled. This is a weird and nice day. Austin, Arisa and Sefarto on the beautiful morning, story, my..

My name..?

Since when I have a real name..? And why the person that gave me the sky power must named me as Azure? Why don't just use my real name? That doesn't make any sense!

Nah, I just need to read books and train! Seriously!

-2 hours later-

"Azure, it's almost 4.30, the hot sun almost gone, let's start now, I think", professor look sleepy and bored.

"Okay..", I'm also sleepy to keep read book..

"Wait?! I only read 1 book in 2 hours?!! What the!!", I shocked.

"It's ok..", professor looked so relax.

Then we went out and get ready..

"Try to concentrate and make sky is yours!", professor said.

I tried for 4 minutes but..

"I don't get it!", I said.

"But, you must train your power, Azure!", professor raised his voice, he's angry.

And so I continued but I failed. And so, the sun has gone.. Austin, Arisa, Cleaf and Sarasa came on 5.49 p.m. They were racing to reach this place so they can go faster. I wish that I can join but.. Yeah..

I must TRAIN MY SELF! And finish all the problem!

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