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The young mother stood over the cot, shivering. She felt icy cold breath whisper across her neck, and waited for the words she knew were coming.

"Give me the child..."

The voice was swift and snakelike, but with a harsh certainty. The child was his possession now. Narcissa Malfoy faltered.

"Y..Yes My Lord."

She gently lifted the sleeping child, still wrapped in his little blanket, and passed him to the cold, pale, outstretched hands.

Voldemort slowly inspected the sleeping infant, his red eyes gleaming in the faded moonlight. He muttered to himself; all the while staring into its wide, frightened eyes. It was the same pale grey colour as the blanket it was wrapped in, and its features were thin and fragile looking.

"Raise him loyal to my name. After all, that is what you agreed to when you joined, is it not? Your possessions are mine, and this child shall make a fitting death eater..."

"Of course My...My Lord." Narcissa stuttered. She knew that this was the right way, but the child looked so innocent and-

"You doubt me...Malfoy."

"I...No, my Lord. The child will be raised to bow to you, I shall see to that."

"Indeed you will...And if not?"

He paused, stroking the great snake that was entwined around his shoulders.

"You know the stakes."

Narcissa swallowed.

"Yes my Lord."

I Had No Choice - Harry Potter RetoldWhere stories live. Discover now