Chapter One:The Devil Himself

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       " Rhyley get your ass dressed now your mom is out back smoking waiting for your stupid ass,  you need to hurry up before you have to leave your dirty ass," my mom boyfriend says.

I hate him so much he thinks that he can be the man in the house, since my dad found out that my mom was cheating on him with her new boyfriend.

"You can leave me, I'm riding the fucking bus bitch" I said.

"Don't talk to your dad like that" my mom said coming from the porch with a cigarette.

"That's not my god dawn dad, leave the fuck alone.....come one London."

London's my sister, my moms boyfriend always try to hit us, and it doesn't work all the time, sometimes I protect my sister and I from his hits. I really wish I could go to my dad and his new girlfriend they are amazing. they don't smoke they have a nice house and they feed me and my sister well. I could get my dad to get full custody of me but I still love my and I know that she been there a lot but that man that she with has to go.

"I'm coming, I just have to get my lip gloss."

"you don't need no lip gloss now get your ass on" the devil that my mom calls boyfriend said.

"leave her alone you asshole". He so fucking annoying always rushing us out the house like were some mother fucking slaves.

"I'm ready, can we go now!" my sister said.

"yeah, lets go."

           we went to our bus stop and i saw my best friend, brook, I was so freaking happy to see her that I jumped in her hands like nothing. With all my family problems she been by my side like sesame chicken and fried rice.

"hey brook how was your spring break" I said.

"It was really good I had a fun time in New York with my mom and her girlfriend daughter(s)"she said.

"what did you do Rhyley"

 To be honest I didn't do anything at all, but get beat my mom boyfriend and helping my sister because she was sick from all the nasty food my mom cooked. But i didn't want to tell her all that sadness so she could fill bad about her week and feel sorry for me. So, i only told her about what we did with our dad.

"Rhyley I know something bad happened, tell me, please."

(sigh) I pulled my shirt up and showed her the bruise that my mom boyfriend gave me.

"OMG! I'm so sorry are you ok, do I need to call the police on that man."

See, this is why I don't like talking about it with her I never want  her to be so worried, she always worry about and I know that's good because she my best friend but i don't want her to be sad.

"I'm ok I just need some ice when we get to school from the nurse "I said.

"Girl you need to tell someone about him because you always go to the nurse like everyday telling you the same thing," I fell on the swing again "she going to start realizing what is happening and you could get more people in trouble."

I knew she was right but I didn't want to tell people  everyone will always have pity for me, and I have to go to counseling because everyone thinks I'm crazy after getting beat from my moms boyfriend. The bus comes right on time so I didn't have to explain myself and I could think of another subject.

"So what did you do in New York" I said.

"I went to go see the statue of liberty, then we had breakfast in this cool museum called the waxing museum it was so cool."

 "That's so great I remember when I went to New York for the first time it was amazing with my dad..."I stop insistently because I don't really like talking about my dad and its hard sometimes.

"its ok if you don't want to talk about your dad we can just sit down and talk about boys."

I laughed, I love her so much she makes me laugh when I'm feeling sad.                                                    

 We got to school slowly because our bus driver took twenty years to drive from our bus stop to other ones, but we made. I came to school happy as can be cause everyone knows that i don't want to be home with my mom boyfriend (well not everyone). brook went to the nurse with me to get an ice, always she already have the ice for me on her desk and have a note in there that says 

"you need to stop getting on those swings for real" i laugh because she always give me the same note everyday.

"lets go to class brook!"

we walk to school in a hurry because where always late because of our bus driver. We got to class and we sat down in time before our crazy math teacher noticed that they were late.

"class turn to page 22-23,get a partner and work on all the odd numbers" she said.

Brook and I turned to each other thinking the same thing;

"Partner's" We said. I was extra happy today somehow but for some reason everyone else wasn't all of a sudden. but when i turn around i see the devil in my classroom, talking to my teacher. what was he doing here. brook turns around with a mad face and i had to hold her back and I told her 

"lets just work on what we need to work on so we can get a good grade". Brook and I started to work on our math work, then he tried to put his fire on me and get really close which i wasn't going to have.

"can you please move away from me your hot breath is hurting our thinking area" I said harshly.

he walks away slowly like I had done something wrong.

"why is he walking so slow" Brooklyn said.

"I really didn't know why but I was going to find out."

"lets just do our work I know there is nothing wrong..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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