The Apocalypse- Chapter one

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Hello there! So , I have finnaly decided to put something up! Well, in any case I hope you enjoy it, and please please please, if its not too much, post a comment if you like this or not. Be truthful. But not brutal. And I apologize if its long, I'll shut up now.. thanks for reading! Oh! And the girl on the cover is named Susan coffey, she plays nade >:) Shes sooo pretty! And shes a model!


I walked absentmindedly through the dingy halls of Craywood high. I put my back against the cold concrete wall, hiding behind the lockers for protection. I waited for at least three minutes when I heard a faint groaning coming from the other end of the hall.

I gripped my titanium baseball bat with all the strength I could muster. "I can't let myself have fear, I can't let myself have fear, I can't let myself have fe-" And then I saw it.

I stood completly still as I watched the monsters feed on a rotting human carcaus, as meal worms traveled in and out of the eyes and mouth. I knew that girl. I had spoken to her once. We were lab parters in Mr.Qoi's chemistry class. Although that was what seemed an eternity ago. No longer would life be that peaceful.

I took a deep breath, breathing in the discusting smell of rancid human meat mixed with blood and sweat. It had to be one of the more unsetteling smells in life, one I advise you to never learn.

I clenched my jaw and brought my bat up, readying to swing. I swiftly charged into the hall, my feet frantically pounding on the tiled floor.

I swung my bat forward as hard as my pained muscles would let me crying out in frustration as the bat smacked into sevral of the undead beings heads.I finished off my undead masacure and slowly sat down on the cold floor.

I sighed to myself, life wasn't perfect before but definetely better than now. I looked around the now bloddy and goop slattered hall. I pulled my knees up to my chest, leaning my head on top of my knees.

As I started to fall asleep I heard distant foot steps from the other hall. I had been doing rounds in the school for about two hours, so far I haven't seen anyone. The place was deserted. Which ment one thing. Another one of those undead annoyances.

I stood up and took another deep breath, instantly wishing I hadn't, as the smell of rotting bodies sent shivers down my spine. I need to stop breathing.

As the footsteps edged closer I suck my back to a wall as a sense of feeling hidden behind lockers. I almost gagged as I felt something gooey against my back. It took all the restrain I had not to yell "Discusting!" and give my hiding spot away. Although it was very, very gross.

My toes seemed to curl on their own when I pryed my back off the wall, goo following. I shook my head firecly and gripped my bat tightly as I slowly walked to the turn in the hall. I look into the darkened hall on my right.

I quickly tip the nightvision glasses off of my red hair to my blue eyes. How did I come into possetion of these? Well you see before I started scavenging the school, I raided a nearby Wally world..or rather, Walmart. Also how I got the bat, my food, and water.

Anyway, I peered down the now-to-my-eyes-lightend hallway, but saw no one, and nothing. I raised an eyebrow and stood in the middle of the intersecting hall. Hm? Weird. I swear I head footsteps. Maybe this whole apocolypse thing has got me paronoid.

I stood there for a few more minutes trying to recollect my memory. I put my hands on my hips in frustration. I know I heard something.

With a sigh I turned around only to be faced with an object. I shouted as I fell to the ground. The object muttered "shit", jumped behind me, and clasped a hand around my mouth. I shook my head frantically and tried to pry the hand off my mouth, although to no avail.

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