The Apocalypse- Chapter Three

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I laughed as Lane sprayed water on West, with the long green garden hose outside of the school. West crossed his arms as he sat criss-cross on the ground pouting.

Since Victoria and I threatned West, causing him to beg for forgiveness and apologize at least thirty times. Probably because two teenage girls were on his case with sharp and blunt objects. I wonder who that could have been. Me? No! Of course not!

Anywho, Victorias little group wasn't too happy about us not really punishing him by death, so they basically said either he goes or Victoria does too.

Luckily Victoria had enough pride to tell them off. . . then say that they are not worthy of her so she left their group. As did Lane and Jace. Apparently Jace was her older brother, and Lane was just one of her best friends.

So I offered if they would like to join our group. And here we are now. Lana, Derrek, Victoria, Lane, Jace, Asswho- I mean, West, and I. Our own little happy-for now that is-group.

We sat outside of the highschool, it was just a little after eleven A.M. Lane was taking pictures with his expensive-looking camera. Lana and Derrek were fighting over if Batman or Superman was better, which was obviously Bat-freakin-man, sorry SM fans!

Victoria and West were also fighting about who knows what. Honestly, it never stops, those two are constantly fighting. From things like food supply, to directions, to the stupidist things like if Lane should take pictures of specific things. Honestly! These two are always butting heads.

Jace, always the calm, cool, and collected one, had seemed to always find a way to get them to shut up. Jace was watching everyone with a solem face, but his eyes shone with amusement. He was obviously having fun just watching.

The past three days had been suprisingly calm here. Obviously not totally calm. Y'know with the whole zombie apocalypse thing going on, but we were all having fun. I never thought I would ever say that. I'm having fun during a freaking zombie apocalypse. Cool?

"Nade!" Jace shouted waving a hand in fron of my face, trying to catch my attention.

I shook my head and looked at him. Everyone was starring at me. What'd I do now? "Yeah?" I asked in confusion.

West laughed at me, and Tori-Victoria's nickname-elbowed him in the stomach, causing him to grimance and give her a dirty look. "You spaced." Lane spoke up. He saw the confusion on my face then spoke again. "I wanted to get a group picture of all of us."

West looked at Lane and smirked. "Why? Just in case one of us," West faked a cough, "Nade," another fake cough. "gets hurt, you could have a picture to remember us?" Faking another cough, "Her." Cough.

Lane's eyes widened and he blushed. "Wha-? No! God West! Why, nevermind!"

I felt so bad for him. He was so nice and just a really sweet guy, but fucking West has to take advantage of that and tease him every second. Wether it's about having a crush on me-which he didn't-, or about how weird it is he has a camera around all the time-which it wasn't really-. West was such an ass.

"West stop being a jerk and teasing the dude!' I said angrily.

West laughed. "C'mon! It was just a joke don't be so mean!" My jaw dropped, me being mean? He's the one making Lane go all bleh for no reason. "Anyway Nade, why's it matter, it couldn't be that you like him!" West faked gasped and widened his eyes.

Victoria and I both rolled out eyes, Jase shook his head apologetically, Lana and Derrek just sat there. As did Lane.

"No, West, I don't. But with how many jokes you make about Lane, mabye you do. Y'know like how boy's in kindergarden would pull a girls hair?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2012 ⏰

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