Chapter 2: Thinking about him, thinking about her

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Hisori's POV:

Ryo was my first love and will be the only one. Although I haven't confessed to him yet, I told myself that I would after he comes back which i believed he would. All these was going on in my head as I daydreamed.

Just then Ryo asked me, ''Hey Hisori, are you still majoring in music? And aiming to become a singer? I know that since young you have been very passionate about singing.'' I immediately blushed and my face flushed red. I said ''Of course! I still love singing very much.''

''Oh yes, Ryo.. do you mind listening to a song I wrote?'' I asked shyly, not able to look him in his eye. Ryo calmly replied, ''Sure! I love Hisori's singing!'' I was really happy and I started singing.

''Have you ever look up to the night sky finding yourself mesmerized by the shine, thinking that someone you love must definitely be at the other end of this beautiful starry sky.''

Ryo clapped, praising me that it was wonderful. I sighed in relief as i thought it wouldn't be that good. I actually wrote this song based on my feelings for Ryo as he was away. I had no idea where he went so I was just looking up at the night sky thinking about him.

I would never bring myself to tell him that I wrote this song while thinking about him. I wonder what he thinks about the lyrics of the song..

Ryo's POV:

Hmm I wonder who she was thinking while writing that song.. I bet it's not me for sure. ''AHHH WHAT SHOULD I DO'' Oops I said it out loud... quickly gaining my composure.. I praised Hisori for her singing. ''What if she already has a boyfriend?! Oh no.. maybe I should ask.''

''Hisori.. while I was gone did anything big- - or rather any good things happen?'' I asked while faking a smile.

''No not at all, why did u ask such a weird question? Is something bothering you?''

It's this again.. she always notices something when I feel upset. ''Nope! Nothing really important.''

I looked up to the sky and realised it's dark... ''It is already this late, I think you should go home Hisori'' 

''Ehh I want to stay here longer~ Isn't it okay... our houses are just beside each other.''

''It wouldn't be good to stay here any longer, your parents will worry although our houses are just next door. Besides, you have club activities tomorrow right, I'll walk you to your door okay?''

Hisori's POV:

''Unn... then see you tomorrow in the afternoon Ryo.'' I kept looking back from my doorstep until Ryo left. I couldn't bear to say bye after 8 years not being able to see him. He is still the same, protecting me and worrying about me. But he has became more mature than before.

-After bathing- 

''Ahhh that was so refreshing. I wonder if Ryo is still awake..'' I climbed onto my bed and peeked through my window down to Ryo's room. His light was still on. I couldn't sleep the whole night until I saw that he turned his light off, wondering what he was doing.

Ryo's POV:

Hmm I wonder what is Hisori doing now, maybe she's bathing.. I think I should make her something since it's been quite long ago I've actually given her a gift. What can I actually make? Even though I know what she likes... Since I learnt how to crochet in America maybe I can make her a rose!

-Midst of crocheting a rose-

I wonder why she hasn't slept. It's already 2am. I'm worried..

Alright! All done. Although it's not that neat, I guess it's okay since it still looks presentable *chuckles*

I shall go to sleep right now, my eyes hurts from too much concentration.

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