Blood swam down the tip of the arrow. The ebany point encased in a protective casing of flesh and bone. The Archer had completed her mission and reported back to her home. The target, *Cough Nazem *cough, was now dead. An arrow lay between his eyes. The fight was gruesome, causing the city guards to engage combat. They met a quick end. Blood swirled on her armour like a wave of water. Her mission was complete.
She had heared nothing from her brother though. Wether he had completed his task was yet unknown. She knew her sister was back home, quicker then ever.
The guards gave a reliable distractionfor her. She could escape unnoticed. Although she had to sneak out of the city. If she was cort she would be sent to the dungeon. Her moves were slowed, she looked like she was hardly moving, but she was. Her muffled footsteps made it easier for her to escape. The guards were to buissy looking at the body to notice that the killer was leaving.
It would be a three day journey back to her house. Her bow was swiftly attached to her back as she wipes away the blood, making it harder for the guards to ask questions. She had bigger plans though. She wanted to kill the Jarl of Whiterun. His defiance to the people stood for too long. It was time for him to die...
FanfictionThe highly skilled group of assassins have been called to kill a highly successful candidate in the trading business. this family of assassins must obay the orders and kill. or be killed