( 28 )

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- Chapter 28 :

The minute Yoongi and I walked out the room, the rest of the dorm was there, flung back at the contact of the door opening and smashing them in the face. While Yoongi let out a string of curses and edged towards them, I stood in surprise, my cheeks beating up at the thought of them standing and listening to the conversation, even though there wasn't much conversing.

"Awhhhh look she's blushing!" This brought me out of my daze as I looked up to find Yoongi holding Hoseok up by the cuff of his shirt, the rest of the people covering behind Jin, seeing Yoongi's glare. All the members, including Yoongi and Min So immediately turned my way, watching the way my face became redder with the attention.

"W-What?" I stuttered as a few of them cooed at how 'cute' I was. Yoongi sighed and let go of Hoseok, the man falling to the ground with a loud yelp as Yoongi walked towards me and took my wrist in his large hand. "Let's go." He grumbled, but nevertheless smiled at me. I returned with a small smile as he pulled me away.

"Be careful with her, she's a child of god!"

"Don't do anything Jisoos- I meant Jesus wouldn't do!"

"Use protect-"

"Taehyung!" A smack was heard before Taehyung whined, glaring at Min So. I kept my hand over my face in embarrassment as I felt the warmth of my red face seep into my arms. Yoongi made an amused sound and I looked up to find him smiling at me

"Stop smiling so much it's scaring me." I muttered as he only chuckled more, pulling me closer to him to wrap a hand around my back. "I cant help it, I'm happy right now!" He exclaimed, pulling me into his room where he flicked the door close and stood straight.

"They can't bother you while you're here, they're too scared of me so don't worry." Yoongi assured me before collapsing into his bed, groaning as he reached his hand out to me. I tentatively walked to him, wondering what to do about the outstretched hand. Confused, I took it, intertwining our hands.

And it could've been cute. Us both staring into each other's eyes. It really could've, if he didn't pull me that is. I let out a loud yelp as Yoongi pulled me down, my body landing in his as he held me up a little. My hands automatically slapped his chest, trying to end his chain of laughter.

"That wasn't funny you idiot!" I exclaimed before hugging and sitting stilly, observing his angelic face. Yoongi seemed to stare back before his hand reached out and caressed my cheek, his warm hands enveloping my face. I unknowingly leaned into the heat source as a happy sigh left my lips.

"Hey." He spike softly and I stared a little longer. "Hey." I mimicked, learning down as my voice grew to a whisper. Yoongi raised his head a little, getting ready to meet me half way up when a sudden pain in my head left me falling back wards, Yoongi hollering something before sitting up to catch me.

Shit not this again.


Yoongi was up in an instant, steadying Jihee to a frozen position. Jihee finally took her hands from Yoongi's shoulders and instead leaned her head into his chest, taking a whiff of his cologne into her nose. "I'm fine." She conversed as Yoongi growled and pulled her back.

"Tell the truth damnit!" He chided, wanting to understand what exactly was going on with her. Jihee only bit the inside of her cheek before waving her hand in his face and chuckling awkwardly. "I-It's re-really n-nothing-" Yoongi sent her the cut the crap face and Jihee sighed, scratching the back of her neck.

"My body just isn't used to living without medicines. I'll be fine in a few days so don't worry." Jihee lies through her teeth. Well she felt good knowing only half was a lie. Yoongi states uncertainly at her for a second before nodding and hen looking down, finally noticing their position.

"Ummmm Jihee, mind moving?" Yoongi joked, seeing as to how sat right upon Yoongi's lap, the two feeing uncomfortable already. "Oh y-yes." Jihee quickly got onto the mattress next to him and sat carefully, revisiting the events of today.

"Hey Yoongi?" Jihee whispered, knowing he'd hear her without her even really speaking. She felt him nod against her head and Jihee only sighed before talking. "Is this okay. From what you've said, you're someone popular and-" Yoongi silenced the girl, however not with something like his finger or his pen.

Jihee kind of wished it was his fingers and kind of didn't at the moment. It took her a moment or two realize what has happening. But, no. She never could've guessed this.

Jihee could say she was surprised when she opened her eyes after feeling the soft flesh. She was right.

It was Yoongi's lips that laid rested on her lips, silencing any noice.


Oof and here is the romance yayyy. Enjoy and yeah enjoy! <33333

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