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I wandered the college towards the back exit without being jumped by any of the fangirls and saying hi to some girls I knew, and I eventually found him sitting at the far end of the field, by himself. It looked like he was pouting and when I got closer, the pout just got bigger.

"Hey TaeTae," I said sitting next to him "Why so sad?"

"Leave me alone," He said, throwing grass "Go back to Jungkook"

I stretched my legs out next to him "What were the plans for the weekend? I need to know what comfy clothes to wear. I know I said I wasn't free but I'm sure my brothers won't mind if I cancel movie night...they normally end up wrestling anyway"

"Go back to Jungkook. I don't care," He said, "I'll cancel the plans so go have fun with him"

He was like a sulking heart was racing, and I laughed, trying to ignore it.

"Are you pouting?"

"No!" He snapped.

"You are so pouting" I laughed and nudged him.

"Fuck off," Taehyung said, "I don't want to be around you"

"No, tell me," I said, putting my hand on his thigh "I'm curious"

Taehyung sighed and brushed my hand from his leg.

"Ah, I see what's happening," I said, moving to kneel in front of him "You are jealous"

"I am not jealous," He said, turning his face away from me "I don't like you"

"I know, I know," I said, with a smile "So, what are the plans? You looked excited when you found me"

"I've changed my mind" Taehyung huffed "I'm not making plans with you again"

"Hmm," I said, "Maybe I could change it back. What do you want me to do?"

Taehyung smiled slightly and looked at me through hooded eyes "Kiss me"

"Is that it?" I said, trying to make my heart calm the fuck down "Alright. That's easy enough"

I crawled forward onto his lap and put my hands around his neck. I leaned forward, and he met me with his lips. His lips were cold against mine, and his cold hands slowly slid under the back of my shirt, pulling my hips towards his crotch.


I quickly pulled apart, taking slow and shallow breaths. As I went to move off him, Taehyung pulled me into him again, trapping my lips with his. Oh shit. He grabbed my hips and jerked me closer and I felt his dick harden beneath me.

Horny bastard.

"Shit" Taehyung muttered, and broke the kiss "Not...not here"

I couldn't speak, so I just nodded. He sighed, and I moved from his lap, noticing the large bulge make more of an appearance. I grinned and decided to mess him around.

"Ooooh," I said, gesturing to his crotch "Looks like someone enjoyed that"

Taehyung tutted and covered himself with his hands "I didn't enjoy that"

"Are you sure? Because your boner tells me otherwise" I giggled "Did a small kiss like that really turn you on? That's not good for a fuck boy like you. When you kiss girls do you-"

"Be careful, Hana," He said, cutting me off and he grabbed my wrist tightly "You don't know what you are doing to me"

I smirked "I think I do"

"Then why don't you show me?"

"Do you really think I'm one of those girls?" I asked, rolling my eyes "TaeTae, I'm disappointed in you. All girls are different and that isn't a bad thing. Have you not figured that out yet?"

Taehyung licked his lips and yanked me forward, kissing me again, this time it was full of need, I had to bring myself back to reality and pull away. I cleared my throat and edged myself away from him.

"Time to go," I said, getting to my feet "Bye Taehyung"

"Hana!" He said jumping to his feet "Wait!"

"Nope. I am not having sex with you in the middle of the day" I said as he chased after me "And not on the field. People could be watching and-"

"Why are you running away?" He said stepping in front of me "Don't tell me...that little kiss turned you on"

I felt my face go up in flames and I punched him in the shoulder "Don't be so stupid!"

Taehyung's words were lost as I quickly walked away. What was I doing?

I was meant to ruin him...not fall for him.

Jesus Hana. I needed to control my damn hormones.

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