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We all waited in class talking up a storm, there's no teacher and the class is just going wild while I'm on my phone.

The principle walked in with somebody behind him. "Settle down students, we're sorry for the wait. But this is your new social studies teacher Mr.Wayne."

Myy god, I'm basically drooling over him, he's a hottie. After Mr.Wayne introduced himself the class the principle left the room.

He sat on his desk, he looks mad young to be a teacher he look like he in his 20s or so.

"Why y'all so quiet?" He asked. I looked around and everybody was silent.

"Cause your hot," a girl whispered yelled making the class laugh. It got a chuckle out of him causing us to see his dimples.

"C'mon let's be mature here, this is 10th grade. I'll let you guy have fun if you do my work, we all agree?" He asked the class and we all replied with a "yeah"

The bell ringed telling us it's time to move to the next class. I was packing my stuff to head out, in my way out I give Mr.Wayne the work he assigned the class to do for the day.

"Wow you wrote a lot." He stated looking down at my paper

"Yeah sorry, I get carried away while I'm writing." I replied

"Lets just hope it's makes sense." I dropped my smile. Wtf he tryna say? I left the room going to Math next. I can tell he's an ass.


"Bro he is so rude," i told liyah about Mr.wayne while she ate her fries

"He just said, "let's hope it make sense" why you making a big deal out of it." She laughed

"Because, he didn't even read it yet and he already jud- you know what never mind." I stop talking and took a big bite out of my bacon cheeseburger.

"Guess what," Liyah squealed


"Jahkeim bumped into me today and he said sorry and smiled at me." I stared at her with my mouth open

"Your obsessed." I told her, she laughed

"He's just so cutte oh my god. I'd get him pregnant." I busted out of laughter because she crazy.

"You should ask him for his number." She gave me a "bitch you stupid" look. "What? I'm just saying."

"What I look like asking a nigga for their number, if he don't ask me then well I guess we ain't gonna talk." She continued eating her fries. I shrugged, nobody in this school caught my eyes yet. I mean I do want a lil boo or what ever but we'll just have to see.

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