There Were Dragons...

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There were dragons...

A Movieverse httyd Oneshot


The clouds dotted the bright, blue sky that surrounded the boy and dragon. Letting the breeze flow through his auburn, unruly hair, his green eyes enclosed under thin eyelids, he truly felt that this was living. A free feeling took over the young adult, almost daring him to go faster.

The Night Fury's thick frame brushed against the air with effortlessness. Ears back against his head, the dragon felt the same calmness grace over him. Nothing could possibly go wrong in those moments; it was just them and the wind.

Speaking of the wind, it always seemed to be on their side, carrying them through the world with ease. The man finally opened his eyes, to see his best friend staring back at him. He and the dragon were inseparable, having the most amazing bond that any two different creatures could ever share. Nothing would ever happen to this unlikely friendship. They'd always be together, but bad things happen, of course.

The sky slowly turned dark, with the dragon's black, sleek body falling into darkness, into oblivion. The brunette was unable to do anything but scream his friend's name in horror. The human didn't fall, instead he kept gliding this time at a new pace, and with a new feeling, the feeling of loss. His flight became slower and less fluent. The wind was no longer his friend.

Hiccup woke up with a hand at his chest, it was only a dream. The now fifty year old man sighed with slight content, it was simply a dream dating back to the old days, the days of dragon riding. Oh how he loved that free feeling. A calm came over him and he told himself Toothless was fine, that Toothless was right at the foot of his bed as normal.

Reaching a pale hand out, he expected it to meet with a warm, scaly body, but instead it met the cold, empty sheets of where his friend used to be. It all came back to him at once. Toothless hadn't been with him for years... why did he think tonight would be any different?

The guilt rushed to him. It was all his fault that Toothless wasn't here, that all the dragons weren't here, and it always would be. He'd lost his best friend, because of one little mistake. There were dragons when he was a boy, and now the dragons had disappeared to where they had originally came from. But one day they'd all come back... he just knew it.

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