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He's one of the Lens I can't think of a nickname for-

Name: Receiver

Nickname(s): Gamer Boi

Shipped With: White Edge

Likes: Video games, anime/manga, and comfort food like chips

Dislikes: Losing a game, resting (Sleep is for the weak), and getting told off by Edgy boi

Personality: A smiling but lazy neet. He'll always be locked up in his room playing video games, watching anime, or read manga. He has that life that some of us might like to have but we can't have it. Edgy boi sometimes will force Receiver out of his room doe.

Former Home (If they live in mansion): He used to live in a huge arcade area with Transmitter. Whenever someone enters the arcade however, he or Transmitter would always try to control and tease that being that comes in.

At Least 3 Other Headcanons:
• Is too shy to do lovey dovey stuff with Edgy boi aside from hugging and kissing
• You know those + and - that are in his eyes? It shows his mood. Ex. If they're not glowing, he's fine, if they're glowing he's in a negative mood
• Prefers multiplayer over single player

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