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I waited for her.  Ellie.

 We had met Freshman year of high school, in debate class first semester and the first time I had seen her I had thought she was someone special, I even told her as much later on adding, "It wasn't because you were the new girl either". I spent six months working up the courage to ask Ellie to me my girl. Six whole months of asking her every single variation of "Who would win, the Hulk or Superman," that I could think of. I didn't even know a damn thing about comics, I was a Tolkien nerd through and through. But Ellie, Ellie knew about comics, and her eyes would always light up with excitement whenever she got the chance to ramble on about the various heroes in her graphic novels. 

It had taken a while to pluck up the courage to finally ask her. I don't know what was more intimidating, the prospect of her rejecting me or my parents and how they would react to her being my girlfriend when they finally met her. We were barely Sophomores, if she said yes she would be my first girlfriend. She had said yes and it had been the happiest day of my life, to be frank. 

Along with her companionship, she brought every ounce of boundless energy and passion she held for her comic heroes into our relationship. For every bad day that happened  she compensated for it with an even larger smile, maybe some cookies, and the biggest warmest bear hug she could possibly muster. 

I needed that, especially since I was currently stuck in such a depressing place as a hospital, where the injured and sick play a waiting game in order to leave this place, one way or another. 

Desperate for a reprieve from the monotonous television reruns and runny jello, I picked up my phone and texted her-

Me: Sup Flapjack 

Ages ago, when our friendship first began, we'd given each other breakfast food nicknames. Well she'd given me a breakfast food nickname, fruitloop which had been a strange thing for me to get used to everyone usually called me Mike, and if not Michael. However, I eventually accepted it when I started calling her flapjack in kind, it made her laugh and it had been our thing since. 

Her: Hi...

I got right to the point, never really one to really beat around the bush. 

Me: I had an accident, and now I'm in the hospital :/

Her: What happened?? 

Me: Um...I bashed my head playing basketball and I guess it was pretty serious cause I woke up in the hospital.

That was what my parents had told me when I came too, although I couldn't recall it at all. The doctor had reassured me that that was sometimes a thing that occurred in cranial injuries and that it wouldn't likely be permanent.

Her: Are you alright?

Me: Yeah, but I could use some company. One can only take so much of their parents, especially  when ones mother worries as much as mine. 

Her: yeah

Me: wanna come visit me? 

My parents hadn't met Ellie yet so that might be a problem, i wasn't ready for them to meet just quite yet, I hadn't prepped Ellie on what to say, what not to say. 'Perhaps I can get them to go to the cafeteria while Ellie is here' i thought to myself, working out the finer details of my girlfriends visit in my head. 

Her: maybe

'I'm in the hospital for pete's sake, whats with this "maybe" bologna.' I was a tad annoyed by her attitude towards visiting me. 'Although,' rationalized, 'she absolutely loathes hospitals with a passion...' 

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