Chapter 8

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It had been just a few hours since the return to the Sadida kingdom. Yugo was in bed. An Eneripsa was glaring at Adami. Adami was sitting in a chair at Yugo's bedside. Amalia was sitting in her room. Eva was talking to Elely and Flopin. Dally was accidentally insulting Prince Armond, and Goultard was talking to King Sheram Sharm. Everything was sort of back to normal. Sort of......

Adami sat next to his brother's bed. He could feel the Eneripsa's eyes burning into the back of his head. But he said nothing. He was thinking. 'I did this to him. It's my fault. Why did I let my anger take control? How long will he be injured? Will he even heal? Why is that Eneripsa glaring at me? I wonder how Amalia's dealing with this, she does have a crush on Yugo.' Adami thought as he looked sorrowfully at his brother. 'He could die because of me. Then our friends would never forgive me.'

"Ugh." Yugo grunted "What happened?" He looked around "Adami! Where... Are we back in the Sadida kingdom?"

"Yeah. This place hasn't changed at all."

Yugo looked at his wrists. The skin on them was red and raw. Adami looked at them as well. "I was trying to escape. I was going to get myself free, and then come get you. I wanted to get out of there. I wanted to get out of there, as badly as I wanted to find you over the past few years."

"Yugo. I shouldn't have... I wish I hadn't... Why do you get to be the one who's good at being sentimental?" Adami asked

Yugo laughed "Oww. Nope still hurts to laugh."


"No Ad it's fine. I'll survive. We defeated Nox, and Qilby. One stab to the gut won't do much compared to that."

"You're right... Remember when Nox went back in time. He wanted to go back 200 years, but he only went back 20 minutes. My stomach hurt so bad after that."

Yugo thought back to that moment

Flaaaaaaash baaaaaack

"Ugh my tummy hurts. I feel like I've just relived my life backwards."

"We went back in time..."


"I remember that. Nox was furious when I messed up his chance to go back that far. He was insane. He thought the cube could speak."

"Remember when Qilby tricked us?"

Flaaaaaash baaaaack

"Oh no, flaming Grougal."

"Yeah. Grougal seemed to be the only one who could see through him."

"I know." Adami laughed "You should've seen his face when Grougal and I fought him. Grougal popped up out of nowhere and Qilby screamed like a little girl!"

"I wish I had seen that."

"Maybe Grougal remembers it."

"Yugo?" A small voice rang out. The twins looked at the door, and saw a little Eliatrope with white hair, and a dark brown hat, holding a tray of food

"Hey Chibi. How are you?" Yugo asked sitting up a little

"Good. Is you feeling better?" (Idk. Little kids talk like this around me so incorrect grammar for Chibi!)

"A little. Adami was just telling me about something funny that happened."

"Aliber said to bring you this." Chibi said handing Yugo the tray

"Thanks Chibi. Tell him I said thank you."

"No need Yugo. I'm right here." Alibert said from the doorway

"Alibert!" Yugo said excitedly

Alibert hugged Yugo gently then looked to Adami "What? No hug?" He asked the dragon

Adami rolled his eyes and gave Alibert a hug "It's good to see you too Alibert."

"Well now I can finish reading that book to you." Alibert laughed

"You haven't finished it?"

"No. Yugo was never home, and Chibi and Grougal prefer fairytales."

"Yugo was never home?"

"He was always out searching for you."

Adami turned and hugged his twin. "Yugo. You are the best Eliatrope brother any dragon could ever have."

"You're the best dragon brother any Eliatrope could have Ad. Even if you stabbed me in the gut." Yugo smiled at Adami

"I'm glad you two can forgive each other." Alibert said

"That's Yugo for you. He can forgive the unforgivable." Adami said still hugging Yugo, like he'd never been hugged before in his life.

"I love you Adami." Yugo said weakly hugging back

"Love you to bro."

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