YH- 2

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YH- 2

I went back to my apartment and took a long shower. I welcomed the cold water as it cleansed my body from his scent, from his touch, from the remains of his penetration.

Penetration. I bit my lip at the memory. You asked for it, don’t start whining now.

He said the company no longer accepts applicants. I already know that but still… I hoped. I wanted to be in that firm and in that particular position. The moment the words left my mouth his eyes narrowed in suspicion and then he stood up and went around the table to stand infront of me. His 6’3 frame loomed over me. I swallowed hard; even if I stood up in my high heels he would always be taller. There is no chance that we would be at eye level. I hate to admit this but I dislike the idea that I have to look up everytime I need to talk to him…but I have to.

He was wearing a flannel shirt and black pants. He rolled the sleeves up and ran his hand over his unkempt hair. My traitorous heart slammed against my ribs and I hated it. I hated his effect on me. I gritted my teeth as his dark brown eyes landed down upon me.

This is not good Ashley... Remember what you came here for… Work—that’s all, nothing more.

He pushed his right hand inside his pocket, his demeanor was serious and I could see that his stance was that of a man with purpose.

Getting conscious of my appearance, I slightly touched my tangled hair and shifted on my seat.

“Stand up.”

I did it so hastily that the seat fell on the floor beside me. I bent down to retrieve it but he growled impatiently,

“Leave it and face me.”

I stood emotionless not knowing what I should do but there’s only one thing on my mind— I needed to be in this company. I’m doing this for selfish reasons…personal reasons. I tilted my chin up trying to muster some confidence.

He circled around me eyeing me like I’m a dessert or some favorite meal of his that he wanted to devour. His intent stare made me feel like he could see through my clothes. It was too much, his eyes lingered on my breasts then I noticed his hand twitch. When I raised my eyes at him, he instantly asked for my bra size. He sounded grave so I answered him truthfully,

“32C sir.”

“Mm…Not bad. Can I touch and squeeze it?” He even demonstrated the action, taking out his hand from his pocket.

My mouth dropped open. I did not know what to tell him at that particular moment. He really is the horny HR department director. He only chuckled, amused by my shocked expression. Moving closer, he touched my chin and I automatically closed my mouth and took a step back from him. He cocked an eyebrow then said he liked that I was honest enough to answer and that he was only kidding.

He continued his damnable observation. This time he searched my face. I nervously looked up the ceiling.

“You have lovely eyes Miss Fraser, you should look at me more often. I want to see it.”

He was pertaining to my gray eyes. I used contacts but I won’t tell him, gray fits my hair so I used it.

“Tempting…” He breathed and those ‘lovely eyes’ that he was talking about darted back its focus on him, that’s when I realized that he was openly admiring my mouth.

I forced a smile and nodded at him in silent thanks. This guy never changed.

Swiftly retrieving the chair back in place, he moved behind me and I could feel the heat of his gaze on my ass. I shivered. It felt like he was touching me but he was not.

“Sit.” I almost jumped in surprise when he whispered that on my ear. Slowly, I did what he told me. He was still behind me and I could feel his hot breath fanning my neck. He leaned over and touched my shoulders; the simple contact had made me gone still.

“The only position available for you—Miss Fraser, is when that delectable body of yours is pinned and squirming naked beneath me.”

He then added huskily, “And with my length buried deep inside you.”

My mouth made a perfect ‘o’ in reply to that blunt proposal. He got back on his seat and grinned at me showing his perfect set of white teeth. I couldn’t believe he just said that. I don’t really know if he was playing with me or this is some sort of test to get accepted in their company but that was extremely rude of him.

I lowered my head, my attention now fixed on the clenched hands on my lap.

“You don’t find the picture nice Ashley? You want to be on top? I don’t really mind. Would you like that?”

The nerve of this guy! And he even called me by my first name!

My heart clenched inside my chest, I wanted to ask him Cole does my name ring a bell? However, I already know the answer.

He wouldn’t remember Ashley Madison Fraser. He wouldn’t remember me. He had probably met a couple of Ashleys in his life...

I cleared my throat and stiffened my posture on my seat. “Sir, are you jesting? I’m applying to be your assistant not your whore.”

“I see. How unfortunate.” He closed his eyes, sighed and shook his head looking really disappointed.

“You would make a fine whore though.”

I gasped. His audacity would be the death of me.

“Please Miss Fraser, take that as a compliment. You really have a nice body and it turns me on.” There was a pause and then, “It’s getting late.”

That was my cue to get out of his office.

I shut the bathroom door and tiptoed to my bed wearing only my bathrobe. My mind was full of thoughts about what happened a few hours before. I touched my chest and felt the hard pounding of my heart, this was the same feeling when I followed him where he parked his car, I was desperate.

He saw it through my eyes and without a word he notioned me to follow him. And follow him… I did.

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