So like I said I have 5 dogs and a cat
Diamond - Diamond is an 8 year old American Bulldog, she's white with brindle spots and she has brown eyes however her spots are fading shes a giant lap dog and such a sweet heart.
Tucker - Tucker is a 2 year old Husky/German Shepard mix, he's black and white with brownish greenish eyes and he has giant paws he's a gigantic butthead but he's a very good dog.
Maggie - Maggie is a 1 year old American Bulldog/Husky/German Shepard, she's tan/orange with brown eyes and on her foot she has one orange dot over her white sock looking paws she's super sweet.
Penelope - Penelope is the same as Maggie same breed same age, she's brindle with white socks and she has one brown eye and one very very blue eye she's a gigantic sweetie too.
Edward - Ed got his name from the hyena from lion king he's also the same breed as Maggie and Penelope, Edward is brindle but he has eyes that look like Tucker's and he can be super evil especially when he's tired but he's a good dog also his legs are like to big for his body so he looks so goofy when he lays a certain way. He has the biggest paws out of all the dogs and he's only about 6-7 months.
Riley - Riley is my cat she's a typical short haired domestic cat who's around 2 or 3 she's orange brown and grey striped with green eyes and she gets along well with the dogs most of the time she loves her catnip and treats and she's a sweetheart unless she wants to play then you might just get scratched to death haha.