Jellyfish of Ebola

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Dump Site - 1:17 AM
Pookachu was watching Backyardigans until Churizard burned his ass with his flames. Pookachu was confused why he did that but then he saw a jellyfish on Churizard's head. It was infected with ebola and Churizard was corrupted by ebola. Pookachu noticed this and zapped the jellyfish but this also affected Churizard, causing him to be in a coma.

Pookachu was shocked by this and immediately brought him to the hospital. The doctor confirmed that Churizard has ascended deep coma and won't be waking up for 7 years. Pookachu was heartbroken by this and went back home to the Dump Site.

While walking all gloomy, he bumped into ya boi Goozma. Goozma was beri angery at this and kidnapped Pookachu. He then took him to Po Town because he wanted to.

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