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Natalie's P.O.V.

Walking into Hollywood Arts, I couldn't have been more nervous. I was starting a new school in the middle of the year and I was scared out of my mind. New state, new school, new people. Hollywood was extremely different compared to my small school back in Ohio. My parents sent my brother, Dylan, and I to Hollywood to pursue our talents. I was an artist and Dylan was a musician. We walked through the main doors of Hollywood Arts, looking around at the new school. I slowly pulled the hood of my sweatshirt down, revealing the baseball hat underneath.
(Natalie's outfit ⬇)

We walked down the halls and thankfully nobody paid any attention to me

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We walked down the halls and thankfully nobody paid any attention to me. Dylan, on the other hand, was being eyed by plenty of girls. Little did they know, he already has a girlfriend. We walked to the guidance councellor's office where we would get our schedules. I knocked on the door and heard a man yell
"Come in!"
Dylan walked in first, me right behind him.
"Ah, Dylan and Natalie Mackel, correct?"
There was a man swinging in a basket chair that was hanging from the ceiling, while he was rubbing lotion on his hands.
"Yes sir." Dylan replied.
"Hey, no need to to be formal with me. Call me Lane." he said as he reached into a filing cabinet beside his chair. "Aha, here they are. Here are your schedules along with a map of the school. First period starts in 10 minutes so you better get going."
"Thank you." Dylan said as we both grabbed our papers.
"Your locker numbers are on there too. When you have a chance you can design them any way you want." Lane said as he gave us a smile.
"Okay. Thanks again!" Dylan said as we walked out the door.
We stood in the hall, looking at our schedules for a second.
"I guess this is it." I sighed.
"Hey, you'll be alright." Dylan said as he hugged me.
I immediately hugged him back, enjoying his embrace.
"Meet me at lunch and we can eat together, okay?"
I nodded my head and let go.
"See ya." I said as I turned around and went to my first class.
First period for me was with Sikowitz for acting class. Although I'm mainly an artist, acting was something I really liked to do as well. I followed the map to his class and when I got there, I took a deep breath in, hoping nobody would notice me. I walked into the classroom and immediately noticed an empty area in the back corner of the room. I walked over and sat in a chair, setting my bag down on the floor beside me. There were already about ten other students in the class but thankfully nobody noticed me. Class started out pretty smoothly. Sikowitz was kinda ditsy, but I just disregarded that. He had a couple of kids go up and do acting exercises, and although they seemed fun, I was glad he never chose me. However, about half way through class, he noticed me.
"Oh. Who are you?" he asked with a confused look on his face.
It came off kind of rude, but I don't think he meant for it to.
"Um, I'm Natalie. I'm new here." I said shyly.

Andre's P.O.V.

Beck, Tori, and Cat were in the middle of doing an acting exercise when Sikowitz interrupted.
"Oh. Who are you?"
I turned to look where he was looking and saw a beautiful girl I had never seen before. She immediately had my attention. She seemed a little scared that Sikowitz had noticed her.
"Um, I'm Natalie. I'm new here." she said.
"Well would you like to try an acting exercise?"
Her eyes grew wide and she seemed extremely nervous.
"I- um, I'd rather not." she said as she shook her head.
"Well why not?"
"Um, w- I just..." she stuttered.
"Sikowitz." Beck said.
Sikowitz turned around, confused as to why he was interrupting.
"She's new, give her a break."

Natalie's P.O.V.

"She's new, give her a break." the guy on the stage said.
"Well, okay then. Back to the scene! Action!" Sikowitz shouted as he sat back down in his seat , starting to sip a coconut.
I sighed a breath of relief and mouthed a 'Thank you.' before he turned around and started acting again. The rest of the day up until lunch went pretty smoothly. Nobody had really noticed me, except for my history teacher who made me introduce myself in front of the class. When it was time for lunch, Dylan texted me telling me what table he was at. I met him there and sat down with the food I had bought from a food truck next to the lunch area.
"How's your day so far?" Dylan asked.
"Eh, its okay. Nothing special. What about you?"
"Same. But I have music next which I'm pretty excited for." he said as he took a bite out of his sandwich.
For the rest of the period we just had small talk until it was time to leave. We gave each other a hug, then headed off to our next classes. The rest of my classes were average up until art, which was my last class of the day. That day we were canvas painting, which was something I loved. There was a girl next to me named Cat who I talked to pretty much the whole time. I usually would be more quiet but Cat was really fun. A bit strange at times, but mostly fun. It was finally the end of the day and I was pretty relieved. I could finally relax. Dylan and I decided that we would stay after school today to decorate our lockers. Our lockers ended up being right next to each other which I was happy about. I got out some paint and started to just free-hand on my locker. I decided on a galaxy theme with planets and stars and stuff. It wasn't until about halfway through that I noticed a boy watching me from the other side of the hallway. I could see him mutter 'Crap.' when he noticed that I had seen him.
"Hey, sorry if that seemed kind of creepy, but I couldn't help but watch. You're an amazing artist."
"Thanks." I smiled at him.
"Hey, are you a musician?" he asked Dylan as he noticed the music notes on his locker.
"Yeah, you?"
"Yep, been doing music since I can remember. Come take a look at my locker." he said as he walked around the corner. We both followed and saw him standing next to a locker that had a keyboard on it. He played a series of notes and the locker opened up.
"Oh my gosh." I muttered.
"That's awesome!" Dylan said.
"Thanks. I'm Andre by the way."
"I'm Dylan and this is my little sister Natalie." Dylan said as he grabbed me and squished me into his side. I gave him a death glare before he laughed and let go.
"Okay, well I better get going. See you around." Andre chuckled. He then walked away and Dylan and I went back to decorating our lockers.

Andre's P.O.V.

As I walked away I let out a sigh of relief. I was scared that Dylan was Natalie's boyfriend. She seemed nice, and I wanted to get to know her better. Not to mention, she was gorgeous.

Natalie's P.O.V

When Dylan and I were done with our lockers, we headed to the parking lot to his car. On the way back to our apartment, I was thinking about Andre. He seemed pretty cool, and he was pretty cute too. Maybe I'd be able to get to know him more. When Dylan and I got home, we ate dinner then I immediately went to my bed. I was really exhausted and hoped that tomorrow would be more easygoing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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