Chapter 18

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I opened the door not thinking to look through the peephole my mouth dropped at the site I saw and all I could do was cry
Audrey's P.O.V
"Dios mío mom are you okay, who did this to you?" I asked feeling angry

I helped her in the house and all she said was

"Take me to the hospital"

This shit was gonna be real tricky, because I've never drove before and I didn't know where Ja'Dore's keys were

I figured I'll have to call who I really didn't want to call

"Why you hang up on me and-"

"Shut up Darryl there's no time to hear you right now, I need you to come pick me up right now it's an emergency"

"What's wrong, why you sound like your crying?"

"Just come Darryl" and with that I hung up

End Of Convo

I immediately sat and held my mom I couldn't believe this who would do this to her? she's never done wrong to anyone

"Who did this to you?" I asked angrily crying

"It's okay baby I'm safe now" she said weakly

"Mom no it's not okay look at you, you could have d-died" I said crying more at the thought

"But I didn't baby I'm fine" she tried to assure me

"Why must you be so selfish, you can't protect this man" I said even more angrier

"I-" she started to say until she starting going in and out of conscious

I pick up my phone and called Darryl back

"Darryl where are you!?" I yelled scared of losing her

"I'm pulling up right now" he said
August P.O.V
I looked around everywhere and i still haven't found Ja'Dore, it was Chris, Trey, Kid & Michael

I was real scared of the thought that she could be somewhere hurt, and she definitely doesn't know where to go or how to get home because she's not use to these New Orleans streets, she barely got out here and she just had to come up missing in New Orleans out of all places

-Where are you??
-I'm sorry!
-call me! ma
-Just tell me your okay ma

I sent text after text and finally I received a text back but it didn't seem like it was her, it's tricky how she can text back but not answer the phone the only way I would really know if it her is if she says one specific thing

BabyGirl💏👌❤️: Ya I'm Fine.

Short I know but I promised y'all an update I may update later on today




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