Chapter 1

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Mirandas pov

It's that time again, touring season I love to go on tour with dad, my favorite thing about going on tour with dad is seeing new places and sometimes dad let's me sing a song or two before he does his set list it's the best feeling in the world, if you haven't guessed it already my names Miranda, Miranda Aldean yep I'm daughter of famous country singer Jason Aldean. Today mom went shopping while dad had to do a few radio interviews I didn't wanna go shopping I'm not much of a girly girl I'd rather go ride four wheelers than go shopping, so I went with dad, he's doing an interview with bobby bones. When we got here and got set up we went live

"What's up everybody today in the studio we have Jason Aldean and his daughter Miranda how's it going guys" he asked us

"It's going good today is the first night of the tour it's gonna be a good one I can feel it" dad said I smiled at him, after we answered some phone calls and played a few games bobby came up with an idea

"How would you guys like to give away a few free tickets" he said

"Yea let's do it" I said dad looked at me and smiled

"Alright caller number one whats your name" he asked

"My names sierra and I'm a huge fan of Jason's music" she said

"Alright well Sierra how would you like to see Jason in concert with a backstage pass" he asked

"That would be awesome I would love that" she said

"Alright well all you have to do to win, is answer this trivia question, what is the first line to Jason's song my kinda party" he asked

"I worked all week. Cleaned up, clean cut, and clean shaved" she sang a bell went off in the studio

"That's correct Sierra congratulations you just won tickets to Jason Aldean and a back stage pass" bobby said

"Oh my gosh this is amazing I can't wait thank you" she said

"Your welcome have a great day" he said and hung up. So after we finished all the interviews we met up with mom and had lunch then it was time to get ready for the concert.

Sierra's pov

It's time for the concert I can't wait to meet Jason and Miranda, she's amazing and she can sing really good, while I was getting ready I was listening to my Jason Aldean playlist, singing every word to every song. When it was time to go my foster mom dropped me off at the arena, I smiled I can't wait for the concert I hope I don't get to nervous.

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