Ravus x reader {{Warmth}}

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There was an attack on one of the smaller bases, just outside the main part of Niflheim's mainland. Most of it being covered in ice and snow it was a place mostly MTs got sent to or a man that's toughened in harsh battles. You could say Ravus quite fit for the job, regardless of being a prince in his younger days the training he'd gone through made him more than fit for it. He never complained about it much. In a sense he liked such places better. Mostly in bases like such they had only MTs stationed so he didn't need to listen to report all day. All info was sent to the tablet that was his main work tool for information exchange with other Nifleheim officers and commanders as well as higher ups. He hated the idea he had to serve under anyone but here he was not the highest man in the food chain. Most annoying requests often came from the chancellor you however had met the man only a couple times and did not see much worse in him. Ravus had warned you about him, though. Supposedly them chancellor was more cunning than meets the eye and for the better you tuck Ravus's words for what they were and followed his suggestion.

The base he resided in he had kindly started to call 'Castle of ice'. They way wind, snow and ice formed around the building made it look almost as if it was made from ice rather than concrete and metal Ravus had showed you a few pictures he had taken when snow storms didn't rip through the plains around it. It was a huge building, but still small compared to the size of Gralea. It was also a lot colder there since mostly MTs didn't require warmth to be functional and given the whole area around Niflheim was covered in snow and frost all of MTs were built taking that into consideration.

Ash-blond man pulled out the tablet from inside his coat. White fabric looked thin and not quite suited for the harsh temperatures or the weather outside, but he didn't seem to mind it even in the slightest, not even a single shiver looked to be bothering him as if he didn't even feel the harsh breeze on the balcony whipping around the hair around his head as his fingers tempered around the programming in it as well as working on the report for the day. It was evening already and he was to spend a couple more days there. In a sense he wished he had taken you along. It was rather boring and uneventful, a regular thing.Turned out the attack was just some wild animals that shredded a few MTs, not a big loss but a loss nonetheless and it had to be reported, he had to stay behind to smooth out the softwares in the MTs, some had bugs and and glitches, nothing major. It might take him a bit to fix them all since the place was literally run by MTs most of the time and there was a lot of them to check and he had to do that by disturbing their routines as little as possible. He was however done for the day and simply stood outside for some fresh air, maybe cold as hell but fresh.

A symbol of a call flashed on the side of the screen. He was getting a video call He was surprised that even reached him given the weather. Even reports were hard to send in times like this but somehow a call had managed to get through and even a bigger surprise was that it was a cal from you what already put a light smile on the usually stone looking face that almost gave a vibe of having bitten a lemon at times. In a single swipe the screen flashes green and then opened up the call as it tried to connect the cameras and sooner than the cameras he heard a cheerful but sleepy voice he knew so well, yours. "Hey... How are you doing back there? It must be freezing. Loqi said it's really bad at this time of the year, like storms and heavy snow." Your concerned voice to him sounded endearing and sweet thus making him to lightly chuckle. "I'm fine. I've grown used to this kind of weather, there has been way worse." He replied minimizing the chat log yet her face was still visible at the corner of the screen. "How was your day." He asked as she continued with his report. Even in talks with you he often kept doing his work what was understandable. Being a commander mean you have to put empire before your own wishes and Ravus had come to be quite good at multitasking.

"Well it was quite stagnant and boring. I had another lecture for your MT arm. Apparently there is so much about that wonder of engineering that it needs at least 2 more lectures including practices before they'd let me actually fix anything with your arm if there came to be a need" You replied taking a cup of tea from a nightstand next to your bed. It wasn't a chamomile herbal mix with lavender and peppermint. You still often times found it hard to fall asleep and a one thing that one of the medical staff ladies suggested to you was that mix. Despite the herbs being hard to come across in the keep since they centered more on mobilization and modernizing botanical research was not much of their interest. Funny enough tho, after just a mention that the herb tea could help you by the evening there sat a paper bag filled with the mix. You however didn't need much guessing how it had come to be there as you picked it up and opened it to get a better scent and you were not disappointed even in the least. Herbs smelled as if just freshly grounded and it was such a pleasing smell. You smiled to yourself like a silly fool.

Ravus x reader  ((Mix of oneshots and shortstories))Where stories live. Discover now