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Tubes. Those were the first things Shilo was aware of. And they were all over her body, everywhere. Long, twisting cylinders. They ran in, out and around her exhausted figure. She sighed heavily. No doubt, she had forgotten to take her medicine and her disease had gotten the best of her. Now, her dad was probably trying to fix things up and help in her recovery. This wasn't a happy thought for her, though, because she knew she would receive an earful from him later.

"Wonderful," the girl sighed. Then, to amuse herself for the time being, she let her eyes roam the room.

"Wait a minute!" she muttered. "This is my room?" Such a question made no sense, grammatically or logically, but it encapsulated Shilo's thoughts fairly well. Wherever she was right now, it was not her bedroom. But that made no sense! She was always in her bedroom! Literally, she never left it. The only time she was allowed out was if her father was around, and even then, she still had to stay inside the house. She was never anywhere else except her house (more specifically, her room). But this place was most definitely not her room. Her room was small and dark. It was full of clutter, bits and pieces from the outside world she was forbidden from visiting. But this place? It was large, and spacious, and bright. It was sterile white and there was light streaming in from tall windows on every wall. What?

But then, the longer she stared in awe and confusion, the more and more it came back to her until, finally, it all clicked.

"The SCP Foundation!" she exclaimed softly as she finally remembered where she was and how and why. Then she remembered the specifics, the midnight madness, June, Cora, the SCPs, the armed guards that were threatening to shoot them... Wait. Where were June and Cora? Shilo struggled to sit up, hoping to catch a glimpse of them beside her in the foundation's hospital.

"Hey, that was a close one," a voice murmured. As Shilo reached a fully upright sitting position, she turned to see her father walking in.

"Dad?" she asked.

"Too close," he replied, a grim look in his tired eyes as he came even closer. He had his medical bag with him. And her medicines.

"Dad, what happened?" she pressed again as he sat down beside her on the hospital bed.

"Nothing Shilo," he murmured. "Nothing."

"No. Something happened," Shilo protested weakly. She hated how her father tried to sugarcoat things. She was sick, not stupid.

"It wasn't nothing. I remember everything about last night!" she continued, insistent.

"Shilo," Nathan tried to quiet her again, but she would not be silenced this time.

"Where are June and Cora? And the SCPs?" she demanded. Nathan looked away, but Shilo continued to glare at him, brown eyes boring into him.

As this silent stare-down continued, Nathan began to cough. Shilo sat back with an eye-roll. He did this all the time. Whenever she tried to push him for answers, he would suddenly find some reason to throw her off. Whether he started coughing, sneezing, or just excusing himself for some "personal medical emergency", Shilo knew it was all fake. He was just trying to get away from her to get away from the questions.

Honestly, if he was going to pretend to suddenly be overtaken by a coughing fit, he could at least try and make the coughs sound a bit more realistic! And Shilo knew for a fact that Nathan was faking because Nathan had an amazing immune system. If only Shilo had inherited his instead of her mother's! Her mother had been the one to give her this stupid blood disease in the first place!

Finally, though, the coughing subsided and Nathan's answer pulled Shilo out of her bitter thoughts.

"June and Cora weren't as injured as you were," he said. Shilo blinked in surprise. She hadn't expected Nathan to actually answer her question.

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