Chapter 1

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Yule Ball 1994 - 11:46pm

"Well, if you don't like it, you know what the solution is, don't you?" yelled Hermione; her hair was coming down out of its elegant bun now, and her face was screwed up in anger.

"Oh yeah?" Ron yelled back. "What's that?"

"Next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!"

"Oh bugger off Hermione! You're being an idiot. Just because I don't like that you came here with Krum, doesn't mean that I want to date you! It just means I think the bloke is too old for you!" Ron shouted just before he ran up the stairs, with Harry following right behind him.

"Bloody idiots." She muttered as she turned around to enjoy the final moments of the ball.


The ball had just ended a little while ago and Hermione was still angry with what Ron said to her. How dare he act like a jealous fool, and then try to project his feelings onto me because I decided to confront him about it. She was brought out of her thoughts as her date began to caress her arm. Today had been a complete disaster, she had a row with one of her best mates, and her date to the ball was drunk. So here she was, attempting to deliver him to his rooms safely so she could get back to her room and go to bed. She was ready to be done with this day.

" looked very pretty tonight" Viktor whispered to her, while bringing his face so close to hers, she could almost taste the alcohol on his breath. Ugh.

"Thank you Viktor, now which way is the way to your room?" She asked while looking around the corridor they were currently in.

"They're housing us near those students that wear black and green uniforms" he slurred his words slightly as he spoke.

"Okay, so you're staying near the dungeons then?"

He responded with a shrug. Why in Merlin's name did I agree to come to the ball with him tonight.

"Alright well let's hurry along. I don't want Filch catching me in the halls after I drop you off there." She said while she continued to march her way towards the stairwell that led down to Slytherin's dorms.

They continued to walk in silence as they began to descend the stairwell. Viktor "accidentally" stumbled over his feet and knocked himself directly into Hermione, pinning her against the wall as he did so. After a moment or two, Hermione immediately felt uncomfortable because he made no effort to move off of her. In fact, he began to trail one of his hands up her leg to her hip, and grabbed the back of her head to press a drunken kiss on her mouth.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She spat, once she ripped her mouth away from his.

"You can't tell me you don't want this. I know you do. Why else did you come to the ball dressed like this?" He asked her while he took his hand from her neck and used it to slide the soft thin fabric of her strap down her shoulder as he spoke.

"Don't be such a disgusting pig" her face contorted into a disgusted grimace, as she spoke, while attempting to free herself from his grasp once more.

"Don't be such a fucking prude. I know there's a little hell cat hiding behind that librarian act you put on. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've used that act to seduce more men than just me," he retorted coldly as he moved his hand to the other side of her dress, to slide the other strap down as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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