Simple Acts

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These ones are real.

Two Instances of Friendliness
I consider myself a genuinely friendly person.  The ladies who work at the cafeteria here at college know me a little, since I try to have a bit of conversation with them as they scan my food and send me on my way.  One of them, Velma, and I have a good friendship as she laughs at my blueberry scone and mango smoothie for breakfast every day (don't get angry, that's the only good food they ever have here), and I ask how she is doing.
     I didn't know her name at the point this story happened, but I was running late one afternoon.  Classes had started at 8:00 am after four hours of sleep, and and gone until 11:15, where I had a fifteen minute break before a stressful flute private lesson.  After the forty-five minute private lesson, I had to book it over to an hour long advising appointment to make sure life was still on track.  I skidded into the cafeteria at 1:33 trailing a backpack, a bag full of music, and a flute case which would fit in neither bag.  (They were that full.)  I got a sick feeling in my stomach as I saw Velma taking the cash out of her register.  "You aren't closed yet...are you?" I asked feeling the dismay welling up inside me.
She looked at me and with a hint of her German accent said, "Mmmmm, for you, we are open for three more minutes." 
I gasped and squeaked, "Thank you!" over my shoulder as I bolted for the salad bar (which was the only thing left open.)

Somewhere I heard that you never know whose day you will make better by just a simple smile.  I try to put that into practice - when appropriate of course.  On a normal day, I'll have at least a smile for everyone who goes in and out of my dorm at the same time as me.  Well, that particular day, on my way to my 8 am class, I was toasted.  My 10:30 class was a midterm that I didn't feel particularly ready for.  I didn't even have a smile for the cute guy I saw walking in with his breakfast.  I was so down, I barely even recognized him until he was in the front door.  As I was trying to wipe the depressed 7:45 am look off my face, he smiled. 
I nearly tripped over my feet!  He smiled! For the past four months, I would send a half-grin in his direction and then one day, he smiled back!
In fact, I was so in awe, I still don't have the lecture notes for half of my first class that day!
The next day, I was sitting in a coffee shop booth with three of my good friends.  I was sitting on the edge of the booth basically with my head on the table I was so bored with studying.  I looked up and out just in time to see a guy walk past grinning at me.  Now who knows if that was just a grin left over from another conversation, or if he was thinking about the latest RIP Vine Compilation, or if he was actually smiling at me; but it made my day.  Two days in a row of smiles that I didn't initiate.

Normally, I'm not such a sappy person, but those two smiles brightened both of my days.  So, people, it's real.  Smile at someone today.
Oh, and, I passed my midterm.  :)

The Light
I go to a Christian college, and chapel last night consisted of the stations of the cross.  I won't go into detail, but the lights were down, and it was dark in some of the areas we were supposed to be able to read - fail on the planners' part.  I was in the darkest area, and I walked up to a nearby station where a student was waiting for his friends to finish praying.  He saw me look at the stand on which the reading was, and flicked the flashlight on his phone on hurriedly.  I was grateful, and even when his friends moved on, he waited until I was done reading before he walked over to join his friends. 
I appreciate you, Suspenders.

Shout out to Dave, Coffee Boy, Suspenders, and all the people who make this a better world.

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