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Every one has a way to escape their problems,  I had!  But now is just me and my messed up mind.  Everything changed so fast,  one day I was living life as a happy young girl with big dreams and a bright future ahead of her,  i had it all and by all i mean My mom.

14 years old
Well let me introduce myself,  my name is Vale well is Valentina im a 14 year old with big things ahead of her.  I want to go to harvard yes i know i still got time to think about it but this summer is the summer before high school and well im scared but i know everything will be fine.  Right!

5:06 pm
"Vale grandma doesn't respond"

5:30 pm

6:01 pm
"Vale be strong is gonna be okay,  she will be okay"

"God i know you hear me,  please take care of her,  but help me here God,  help me here"

I'm sorry momWhere stories live. Discover now