Chapter 49

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Jungkook Pov

Me and my Hyungs are in my House right now..all of us are sitting in the couch....Its already 11:00 p.m.....Just then Suga hyung said......

I regreting hurting Tzuyu.....i feel so incomplete without her.......he said.....

Its your fault you hurt her.....jin said....

Tzuyu really loves you but you hurt be honest your so lucky...jhope said....

Its been 1 week and you still thinking of that....jimin said....

Because i felt guilty you know.....suga said...

Boys are so idiot!!! I shout......

All of them got shocked in my sudden action.......

Yah what's wrong with you!! V said.....

Nothings wrong with me!! I said....

Then why are you shouting!!rapmon said....

Nothing.....i said....

I bet your still thinking Jennie right......V said....

Hyung why now!! Why now when i know that she loves me!! I shout....

Huh?what do you mean??......jin said....

Well i hurted her.....Mianhe Jin hyung and V hyung.......

What did you do???...v said....

I tell everything to them.....Even the part that i slap Jennie.....

What the hell Jungkook!!! Your an asshole how could you do that to my sister!! Im just wasting my time to help you to get Jennie!!I wish Jennie and Sehun get back together  you don't deserve her!!....V said...after he said that he got up and go to the door slumming so hard.....

Then Jin hyung said....

You dissapoint me Jungkook-ah...You can't blame V if he said that to you....Jennie is our sister and our Job is to protect her...... Seeing Jennie hurt....makes her brother hurt too....Im going now.....

Then he go to the door......when the both of them left i sighed........then i looked at rest of the members....They just shooked their head.....then Suga said....

Atleast i didn't slap Tzuyu even i know that she loves me...........he said that and stand up and go to the door.....

You should learn how to not hurt Girls......Jhope said then he stand up and go to the door.....

If you truly love her your not going to do that.....Rapmon said then he stand up and go to the door.....

I don't know Jungkook....But the only thing you can do is Apologized to Jennie and Her brothers because you hurt Jennie and you hurt her brothers feeling.....Im going now...Jimin said then he exit the house......

After all of them left  i said to myself.....

Im an Asshole....all of them are mad at me now.....Who's going to help me to get Jennie??.....

I love you Kim Jennie.....

Jennie Pov

I love you Jeon Jungkook.....But i need to forget you.

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