Monster au aaron burr x queen reader part

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I sit on my throne next to the king, King Charles is his name but I prefer king dill weed. He has never smiled, he wears more makeup than I do and his powdered wig smells of white led. " Y/n, go do something to make yourself actually attractive." He says, glaring at me. " Fine. Anything to get away from you. You're a royal pain in my ass." I turn and brush off my dress.

I walk into my room and close my eyes. Why must he be such a pain? " blood red looks lovely on you." I look up and see a man, dark grey skin, ruins decorating his arms and chest. Four eyes ( set up like sardonyx) the shade of  the moon butterflies I saw when I was young ( bright blue). Large bat like wings and horns like a ram. A scar where his tail should be. " who-what are you? Why are you being nice to me?" I say surprised, the crescent moons on my cheeks having a hint of pink. I haven't been complimented in so long. " My name is Aaron Burr, and I am a demon. Also I am simply stating the truth my darling." I look away blushing. He crawls in. I can see he's atleast 3 feet taller than me. He smiles a sharp fanged grin and held out a clawed hand, his elbows starting an ombré to a shade of black. I take it and look up at him, his eyes seem so kind but at the same time so fierce and scary. I take his hand and stand up. We smile at eachother. " meet me in the garden tonight. By the ponds." He says and flies off. My heart is beating out of my chest, my face is flushed. I can't stop smiling. What's happening?

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