1: Naruto

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I opened my eyes only to see a blinding light. I turned over my bed and stared at the picture frame sitting on the edge of my dresser. Sasuke and Sakura... I wonder what they're doing right now. My phone suddenly rang.

"Hello? Why are you calling so early in the morning, Jiraiya-sensei?" Jiraiya was a friend of my deceased dad and the one who understood me the most.

"Well, I was thinking about doing some 'research', but I found out something interesting. Why don't you come over to Konoha Park at 7?" Jiraiya said through the phone while crunching on something.

"Well, okay, if it's more important than your 'research'," I replied, chuckling. "It's also my first day of school today, so it better be quick."

"Yeah yeah, see you there." The phone beeped.

"I wonder what that's all about," I say to myself, and dressed up into my new school uniform with the shinobi crest on my left chest. I walked to my small kitchen and grabbed a cereal bar from the cabinet, my backpack, and my frog wallet.

"Damn it. Another day without ramen," I cursed under my breath walking out of my apartment, locking the door.

"Good m-morning, Naruto," said a squeaky voice. I turned around.

"Oh hey, Hinata," I said with a grin, and noticed her uniform, "No way! You're going to Shinobi Academy too?!"

"Um, y-yeah! Neji is going too!"

"I see... Neji, huh?"

"N-Naruto, may I ask how you managed to get in?"

"When I was in middle school, Headmaster Sarutobi gave me permission. A shame he passed away, though."

"Oh. W-well Neji and I got in because we passed the exams."

"Wow, you're pretty smart, Hinata!" I said, and a red tint appeared on her cheeks. "Well, I gotta go talk to a teacher of mine. Nice talking to ya!"

I waved at her and jogged to Konoha Park. The sun shone brighter in the center, where there was a memorial stone of people who died in the Third Great War. I said my prayers and waited at the bench for Jiraiya. I checked my phone, which read 6:58. Either he's going to come right on time or be late...

"Is that you, Naruto?" I looked up expecting Jiraiya, but it was Shikamaru with his backpack over his shoulder.

"Oh hey, Shikamaru! It's been a long time hasn't it? Don't tell me you're going to Shinobi Academy too?"

"Actually, I am."

"Knew it."

"You've changed."

"In what way?"

Shikamaru scratched his neck. "Well, you definitely look taller and more grown up."

"Heh, I'm pretty cool, aren't I?" I exclaimed with a big grin. Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "Don't be so full of yourself."

"How are Ino and Choji?"

"Ino's been really busy in the flower shop these past few weeks, and Choji is overeating as usual."

"That's good."

Shikamaru looked up at the clouds. "Well, gotta go. It's a drag, but school starts in fifteen minutes and Ino and Choji are waiting for me there."

"It was cool seeing you again after three years, Shikamaru," I said genuinely. He nodded and smiled slightly. Then he walked away with his hands in his pockets. I smiled a little and stared at the sky for a few minutes. Then a thought struck me. Wait- did he say school started in fifteen minutes?!

Welcome to the dark chambers of where the author lives \_(•—•)_/

Yaa I'm not a super good writer, so you won't expect the greatest things from me. Also, thank you for taking your time to read this, I really appreciate it.

This story was an idea of mine for a long time inspired by other Wattpad stories. Just in case you don't know, this is not set in the shinobi world. It is modern au where they have similar situations in the other world, but tweaked to make it fit in with the modernity (<— I didn't even know that was a word until I looked it up. This proves that we learn new things every day)

I had another story called 'rain' but I shut it down because of my inactiveness and because it didn't have a very good plot.

Ty for your time >///<


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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