Blank stare

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Chapter 1   ^ (- August -)

This is a story unheard of, a story so mysterious that even – " August are you writing that nonsense story again?" Ugh, " yes mom" hi I'm August and I live in a town called Kholis, it's a pretty rainy town with lots of trees that need to be trimmed. I've also forgotten to tell you that I own a pet, a very special pet. Named timber. Who REALLY likes to eat, particularly cheesy flaming sausages sold from the pet store downtown. The man who runs it, Burt sells demon pets and he named his store "Burts Demon's" ironic right? Anyways, Timber is a log demon, he's a hybrid actually made from genetic engineering, like me and toggle His story is quite complicated and we will get into that later, but our town Kholis is different... I guess you could say.

Everybody belongs to a gang it depends on your personality, how much money your family has and your IQ. Me personally, I hang out with the second most important gang in the story. The Zodiacs, I'm a Leo if you couldn't tell, and my best friend Toggle is a Cancer, the crab. He's indeed "crabby", then there are other people who are more dangerous than others. I'm talking about the Scorpions, they're the only people in the school that carry weapons, and they all have really hot girlfriends. Except for Alex, I have this suspicion that he's gay sometimes, but obviously not, he's to rude to be gay.

"AUGUST! You have school in an hour, get up!" I reply by instinct "alright mom!" I shout. I get up, throw on some jeans, a blue sweater out of my closet, and some old sneakers. I grab my backpack and run out the door, Toggle the guy I mentioned earlier runs up to me and bumps into my shoulder with a hard *pow*! "Hey, August! How's the life at home with Timber?" Great I reply. We walk up to the gate at our school, Warlords High School, my mother says it will be good for my so-called "social life

I highly disagree with her, as I think it is unnecessary for me to be involved with anyone at this high school. The gangs that do not like the zodiacs tend to try and hit us, but the powers of the zodiac will put a barrier to block the hit. What does this mean? It means most of the time when the people try to land a hit, it doesn't work.

I look up from talking to Toggle who is going on a tangent about how his dad ate all the food in the house and claimed for there was still food. When I glanced up I saw a gray sky, trees bending in the wind and- "hey buddy, I heard you're a Leo? Want to show us what you can do?" Suddenly I hear Blake the alpha of the scorpions talking, he attempts to shove me, stopping for a moment he asks "what's this? Kid, I don't have time for your stupid little jokes." "it's not a joke" I replied before walking away, grabbing Toggle by the hoodie, and continuing, of course, he's sitting there in shock. I start to talk "Toggle... why do you admire them so much?"

I stop walking for the time being and he starts to stumble near the ground. He's starting to look quite pale, I quickly gripped the hood of his hoodie stopped him from falling, but he still looks quite surprised. "Why do you admire Blake?" I speak up, after stuttering he answers, "because August, he's a lot stronger and better then I'll ever be." I look down at him in shock, "he's not stronger in a mental state like you toggle. He's just a big bluff, sure he may be stronger physically but you're a lot nicer and smarter than him. Arent you?" Toggle looks up and his goggles fall down towards his neck. I grin, this was obviously adorable, being so he's only 5'3 he was looking up at me, his eyes big and green. I stop grinning, waiting for his reply, he looks up at me with a big smile and tilted googles "Yep!" I caught myself thinking about him and how he's back to his usual hyper self.

' We start to walk to our first-period class, "Good morning boys! I see you're early as usual." Mrs. Parker's usual cheerful voice rings out. She's by far the best teacher to have if you're shy like me and Toggle. I hear her heels click against the floor, looking up from my book I see everybody's in their seat with their lessons done as usual. I do this the week before so that I can read at school, instead of sitting here and be bored for 25 minutes. As she starts to talk as she straightens her long skirt. "Today we will be studying algebra 3 for all you smarter kids" she picks someone to pass out papers.

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