Chapter 9

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My stomach lurches as the glass elevator in the training centre, carries myself, Finnick, Reid and Emerald up to the 4th floor. I don't spot any other tributes about the centre, either we are the first or last to arrive in the Capitol. The only living things around are servants of the Capitol. My eyes linger over them. They go about their work without making a single sound. Finnick whispers in my ear, "They're Avoxes. People who defy Snow and get their tongues mutilated." I give a gasp and stop to think. If Finnick refused to attend Capitol orders, that could happen to him!

I make it my duty to ensure that I don't do anything to get the President on my bad side.

The elevator finally grinds to a halt and Reid storms out. He most likely feels that I will get special treatment and help from my brother, but to be honest, I am kind of expecting it myself. I mean, I am goung to need all the extra help I can get. I am not necessarily the most agile and co-ordinated person in Panem. Unlike Finnick.

"This is your floor, my dears,"our escort cooes,"all of the luxury and comfort you desire." Frankly, I don't care if I lived in a ramshackle hut, so long as I could escape from the Capitol. I'm not exactly your typical Career tribute, although many citizens will be placing bets on me, thinking I will be as successful as my brother. How wrong they will be.

An Avox leads me to my bedroom and I immediately think of home. They have designed the room to look like District 4. Sea green rugs and bedspreads, sandy carpets, shell ornaments. It makes me long to return home even more. I nod to the servant as she leaves my room and I feel lonely without her presence. It was strangely comforting. We are all lapdogs in Snow's eyes, playing a never ending game that only he can win.

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