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What's the fucking point, right? She will call. I'll let it ring exactly one more time than the previous call. But, that's how these things go. We are toxic.

We shouldn't be talking. We shouldn't be meeting up for dinner or going to see a live band and enjoying a few drinks. We shouldn't even know one another's names. But damn, we do.

That's just how it is. I would change all of this. But, I can't. She's full of pure venom and I'm ready to feel it coursing through my thick blood. She will be mine. Even if just for a moment, she will be mine and mine alone.

The local fair was in town. I decided to take her there for our fourth date. I chose a Tuesday evening for less foot traffic and quicker lines. We both knew it would be best to meet there instead of me driving half an hour to pick her up.

Of course, one of us would make the other wait. It was my turn. I'd make her wait long enough to notice the slight chill in the air. She never carried a jacket, so I came prepared.

I parked my car in the grass as far away as the guy with the flashlight would allow. I took a look around the front entrance before getting out. There was no sign of her and it was definitely a much slower night. I crossed the gravel path and made a quick trip of getting to the entrance. The tickets were now purchased. I entered the roundabout and leaned against the brown small brick building. I knew she would call when she arrived, so I put my phone on vibrate.

The fair lights were vibrant. Any color one could think of was to their left and right. The sounds of the machinery clanking, starting and stopping, could be heard everywhere. Small kids were complaining and crying because they wanted more tickets. The sounds of yelling and screaming permeated the air along with the strong odor of corn dogs and funnel cakes. Music blared everywhere. I made the perfect choice and couldn't help but grin, allowing the left corner of my mouth to congratulate myself.


It was my phone. There was no need to take it out to know it was her. I rubbed the entrance ticket between my index finger and thumb, waiting for the call to end. She would call back any second. We both knew that and we both enjoyed every tiny second.

Again, vibrations. Removing my phone from my pocket, I see it's her. It's just passing the third set of vibrations. It's time to answer. Turning my sound back on and kicking rocks around just enough, I hit the green button on the screen.

"Running behind, again?" I asked, walking over to the fence and watching her. She hasn't spotted me yet.

"Traffic was really bad. I'm here by the entrance. Where are you?" she asked, looking around.

I rattled the fence. "I'm behind you, c'mere." I walk over to the roundabout as she turns around. I instantly have to hold in an audible gasp. Even in the dark, her black hair shines multiple colors from all of the lights. She's in this black and white printed dress that grazes the skin just above her knees. It has what looks like old prints you'd see on expensive china. She worse sensible shoes, cute black Converse.

I walk over to the attendant and hand him the ticket as she goes through the metal bars. I put my hand out for hers and she obliges. Pulling her closer, her perfume sends me into a state of mind where I can't remember my own damn name.

My right hand goes to the small of her back, pulling her in with just enough force. I lower my left cheek onto her right cheek and pull her against me, completely. I lower my nose down her soft cheekbone and find her neck. I make sure that I can't ever forget that otherworldly scent. I can feel her warm breath against my left ear and a slight surprised gasp. Just ever so slightly, I graze my lips against her neck and take her scent in once more, raising my cheek slowly back to hers. I tighten my grip around her waist and move past her cheek to her soft pink lips.

I know she will attempt to push me away, but this time I have her locked in. My lips move from the corner of my rough lips to her soft, small lips and as I move across them, begin kissing her. Her hand goes to my chest in an attempt to push me away, especially because we are standing directly at the entrance. But, not this time. I ease my pressure against her lips slowly and push her against my body to leave no room for misunderstanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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