Rude Awakening

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Unknown Location: ????

He sat at the corner of the room he just woke up in, having no idea who he was or where he was, or what the heck those pods were there for. He felt he should remember, but... just couldn't. He lifted his head a little to look at all the circuitry and the 15 pods surrounding a central database of some sort. Not that he cared. Inside, he was hurting, but he didn't know why. 'What the heck is even happening...? Where...? Who..?'

He paused for a second, noticing another pod decompress and open. He didn't get up, he didn't have the energy to, so he just watched from afar. The figure didn't get itself out until a few minutes later, and they took slow steps away from the contraption. He cursed his lack of health, because he still couldn't quite make out the figure, even though they were out in the open. It looked like they were moving, but where to?



"H... ey."



The voice was in a demanding, but yet condescending tone. I looked up for but a second, then felt a slight stinging on the side of my face as the person hit me. The short blonde but design hair, and the eyepatch designed with the Yakuza logo. Anybody can remember this character a mile away. Well, they should've at least. It seemed to wake me up a little, and I could see better, based off of the surprise/shock of seeing him. So I jumped up in excitement at the revelation. "Kuzuryū!!" I exclaimed as I felt a sudden urge of hope and excitement run through me. I  looked at him expectantly, "What's going on? Do you happen to know where or what this place is?"

Taking a moment to reply, he looks around, unsure, and says "No idea, but whoever put us here better fucking regret it." I should've expected no less from him. "Heh. So where's the rest?"

"The.. rest?"

"Yeah! Where's everyone else?"

"I don't know. but, they might be in there.." I lifted my hand and pointed at the large chambers that we crawled out of. He looked a little disappointed, then back to me.

"I'm gonna go try and find a way out of this place, and get a good idea of where we are." Without being able to refute or say another word about the matter, he'd already left and tried opening the locked door.





It seemed like a few hours had passed, and Kuzuryū had opened the door and begun looking around, but hasn't come back for a while. Nobody else seemed to be coming out of their 'cages', but I would sit here and wait. Wait for her... 'Who?'

In what seemed like a coincidental moment, another pod started abruptly opening up. I still sat crouched against the wall, looking at the pod opening right in front of me. Instead of a slow and confused exit, they bounced their way out of the pod with a 'YYYAAHHHH!!', then landed on their feet just in front of me. I stood back up and looked at the person in front of me

Before I could get a word out, she decided to speak up. "Hey there Hajime, long time no see!" She stood there with a smile on her face, as what she just called me seemed to put me in a trance. I felt my memory unlock, and start to form the idea of who I was.

I... I am...

I am Hajime Hinata, ordinary reserve student of Hope's Peak and a survivor of the dreaded transformation of the Neo world program... The killing game.

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