Part 1

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Gangnam District

Malt Bar Off

12:46 AM

Lana stumbled through the sidewalks of Gangnam, you could clearly see that she was intoxicated. She was wearing a black, above the knee dress showing off her curvy figure.

As Lana walked throught the streets, a figure followed close behind. To those walking across the street it simply looked like a couple that got into an argument, or simply had to much fun at the bar. But if they looked closely they could see the glint of a knife on the man's hand. The streetlights barely hitting the knife.

As the man closed in on Lana, she stopped momentarily almost as if she realized what was going on behind her. It was impossible, she was practically intoxicated, barely able to stand straight on her own or without passing out. The man hide behind a small alleyway making sure that he was still able to see Lana.

Lana stood still for a couple of seconds, swaying back and forth almost falling backwards. What seemed like forever was really 2 minutes, and so Lana continued walking this time at a faster pace than before. The man stayed still for a couple of seconds in case Lana turned around and saw him. When he was sure that she wasn't going to see him, he left his hiding place only to see the girl he had been following turn the corner into a dark, abandoned alleyway.

The man grinned to himself, if any one had passed him they would think he was a psychopath. The man walked forward at a fast pace, excited that he was finally going to catch his target. It seemed almost like a cat and mouse chase, only problem was that he thought he was the cat.

As the man approched the alleyway, he expected the see Lana sprawled across the concrete floor. He saw nothing almost as if she was swallowed by the earth, which was impossible. He looked around the alleyway to see if she was hiding anywhere in a dark corner, but that didn't make sense to him since she was practically stumbling around on the streets of Gangnam just a couple minutes ago.

As he did another 360 turn around the alleyway, he felt something hit his head and fall onto the floor making an odd noise. He looked down, finding an empty bullet case laying a couple feet away from him. He stopped, his eyes wide with realization as he finally had the courage to look up. The man's heart raced and his breathing picked up, above him hanged the girl who he had been following for the past half hour.

Lana had a rope tied on her waist to elevate her, her dress gone. A black leader jacket and black fitted jeans replacing it.

   Lana glared at the guy below her, waiting for him to finally realize where she was hiding

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Lana glared at the guy below her, waiting for him to finally realize where she was hiding. While she waited, she checked her gun in case she really needed to use it. When Lana checked her magazine, she realized that all bullets were good except for a single bullet which was empty. She smirked to herself, grabbing the bullet and dropping it directly on the mans head. She watched as he finally realized what was happening.

Just like that, the man looked up straight at Lana looking directly into her eyes. She winked at him then dropped, taking out her guns that had silencers and shot. She watched as she hit her target multiple times, and once the man was laying on the floor with at least 17 bullet holes on his body she stopped.

 She watched as she hit her target multiple times, and once the man was laying on the floor with at least 17 bullet holes on his body she stopped

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Once she was done she landed in a crouched position with one of her legs stretched to her side. She looked at the body once more before rolling her shoulder and pulling out her phone.

She didn't have to wait for whoever she was calling, because on the first ring the person on the other line picked up

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She didn't have to wait for whoever she was calling, because on the first ring the person on the other line picked up. She chuckled as she was immediately bombarded with questions, debating whether to hang up and deal with the body herself. She waited till the person on the other line stopped talking, so that she could give directions to where she was.

Lana explained everything to the guy on the other line before hanging up, being promised another team was heading to the scene. She signed as she looked at the body a couple feet away from her. She walked towards the body planning to look through it and see if she was able to find any shady items on him.

She reached towards his jacket and pulled out a small pocket knife covered in what seemed like dried blood. She made a disgusted face and placed it near the body. She continued to look through the body and found what she was looking for. In a white envelope resided various pictures of girls, one picture being her. Almost all the pictures of the girls she recognized. For more than a month, body's of girls were being found all over Gangnam. Cause of death was from excessive blood loss, caused by stab wounds. The stab wounds were too small to be caused by a normal kitchen knife but they were small enough to be caused by a pocket knife.

Lana grimaced, throwing the pictures down next to the body. She inhaled and exhaled, finally relieved that no more harm would be caused to other people near this area. She leaned against the wall waiting for the other team to get there so that she can finally go home and shower. Lana looked at the photos resting near the body and her heart started hammering in her chest, near the body's hand rested a picture that looked familiar.

Lana sucked in a breath and slowly reached for the picture, her thoughts going crazy. Before she could grab the picture a harsh light was shined on her, startling her and causing her to step away from the body. She saw some of the people from her department stepping out of a vehicle and going towards giving her a nod of approval but also one that told her she was no longer needed for the night.

Lana looked at the body and the picture one more time, before turning on her heal and exiting the alleyway. She bid goodbye to the rest of the team and walked towards her car, which was parked a couple a blocks away from the scene. Once she got into her car she closed her eyes and rested her head on the wheel, trying so hard to erase the image of "her" off her head.

She slowly opened her eyes and sat straight turning on her car and finally driving home. Satisfied by how well she did today she smirked to herself, she had won this Cat-and-Mouse chase.

She always wins.

YAYAYAYAYAY finally I have this chapter out :')

I's sorry for the late update, last week was my last week before spring break so the teachers were working us students to the bone. I have been looking for prom dresses as well this past days so I have been busy, but either way its out so I hope you guys enjoy it and tell me what you guys think about it. I'll try to get another part out by Saturday.

Thank you and have a good day/night guys. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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