ok, i need to try and remember what went on before i got sent to the maze. i know i can i just have to figure out how to. because i want to know why i feel this connection with newt. its weird, i dont know him... but i do. it doesnt make any freaking since. i mean i already know how i got sent here because my dream told me because it wasnt a dream it was a memory ( or at least thats what Alby told me) now i just need to remember what happened before i got sent here. which no one has ever done without getting attacked by a griever in the maze- and i dont plan on doing that any time soon. that would hurt. Jasper and i are cooking stuff today, they are gonna give us jobs at the end of the week. i hope im a runner. i hate just waiting around here, i want out. I want to go somewhere besides here, I don't think I'm gonna be a cook though cause for one I've burnt everything Ive touched today and two, I would rather do literally anything else, it's not that I don't like the people I just don't like the job itself. Like how could you just cook all damn day... Jasper seems to like it, and he's really good at it. The sun starts to set, thank God, that means tomorrow we get to do another job. I hope that Minho will go against newts wishes and make me a runner, I really hope. tomorrow we have to move to another job, which im happt about... like i said, i dont like this one.
today is the last day to decide what jobs we get, and today we are seeing how good we are at running, ooohhhh i am so dang excited. we jog up to where Minho told us to meet him the night before at dinner.
" alright, im just gonna start you off with a simple warm up and we can go from there."
jasper and i nod.
" run two laps around the glade, pace yourself. it's not a race."
then we start running, jasper is ahead of me because... well, he's a fucking giant! his llegs are like 90% of his body. i dont let it bother me as i keep a steady pace, im starting to sweat as i make my way through the deadheads, past where jasper and i sleep. i keep going, feeling the pain in my stomach, and the need for more air. i breathe at a steadier pace. in, 1,2,3, out,1,2,3. i continue to do this until i loose track of what lap im on. i run past Minho, and he grabs my arm. i stop.
" woah slow down sam."
" huh? you said two laps."
" you ran four."
" oh... sorry i lost track."
" it's fine, you barely broke a sweat the whole time, that pretty impressive. how the shuck did you do it."
" i have no idea."
we do some training for the rest of the day. tomorroww they tell us exactly wwhat jobs we will have.
after dinner i make my way towards the deadheads and to my hammock, gosh im tired as hell, all that running around( pun intended) really makes you tired. i lie down and close my eyes, only to be engulfed in darkness.
the next day, i wake up with a start wanting to know what job im gonna get, i want to be productive around here. jasper wakes upp shortly after me and we make our way to the homstead. we walk in and take our seats... like we are in trouble again. alby begins,
" so, we have decided what jobs to give the both of you."
jasper and i sit still waiting in anticipation. he looks at jasper, " you will be a cook."
yay! thats what jasper wanted, he told me last night that he really liked that one. now its my turn, " and Samantha, you will be-"
he paused, as if he were changing his mind about something.
" you will be a runner."
my eyes widen. as i jump up and down in my head. newt on the other hand does not look happy.
whats up,
ok so, i know its been a while. and i dont care. im tired. so goodnight, bye.
some random maze runner story.
Fiksi Penggemarhi, I'm Samantha but everyone has an array of Nick names for me like, Sam,sammy,speedy,S, and this name only my friend Jasper can call me Samuel ( sam-u-el). we showed up in the box together and he's gay. I know what your thinking and yes he hits on...