Entry #3

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entry #3

What happens when you feel insane? That's exactly how I'm feeling right now. Insane. I'm feeling uneasy but deep inside my mind, I know this will pass.

And so I did. Just like any phase, it passes. Just like your happy and then it fades. It will happen to your sadness. It will pass. You will eventually move on.

Today, something happened. And im overly sensitive sometimes. I misplaced my trust on someone close. My sister later told me that whoever you trust will hurt you in some way. And I said yeah I guess so. And she continued by saying something like, "you just have to make sure that the ones who hurt you are worth the pain though"

She's right. Why take in somebody's pain when they aren't worth it or they won't take yours away.

Trust is important. But make sure you're trusting the right people or that you are willing to hurt for them.

We are all unstable. No doubt about that. I'm always trying to help people and I end up getting the short end of the stick. It's not fair and I do it anyways. That's the thing about weaknesses and strengths. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

But we all have a life to live and lessons to learn. Might as well get to the point and confront obstacles. Be who you want to be and embrace it all.

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